Annotation Type MultiTenant

  • @Target(TYPE)
    public @interface MultiTenant
    Extension annotation allowing for specifying a class as multitenant, meaning that it will have a surrogate column in its table storing the tenant id.
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      String column
      Name of the multitenancy column in the table for this class.
      javax.jdo.annotations.Column[] columns
      The column making up the multitenancy discriminator.
      String indexed
      Whether the multitenancy discriminator is indexed.
    • Element Detail

      • column

        String column
        Name of the multitenancy column in the table for this class.
        The multitenancy column name
      • columns

        javax.jdo.annotations.Column[] columns
        The column making up the multitenancy discriminator.
        the column making up the multitenancy discriminator
      • indexed

        String indexed
        Whether the multitenancy discriminator is indexed.
        whether the multitenancy discriminator is indexed