Package javax.jdo

Class Enhancer

  • public class Enhancer
    extends Object
    Main class to invoke a JDO Enhancer. The enhancer is invoked with the following command line:
     java -cp {classpath} javax.jdo.Enhancer {options} {directory, file, or resource names}
    <classpath> must contain the jdo specification jar, the implementation jar and any implementation dependencies, the statically-compiled classes, and the jdo metadata files loadable as resources. <options> include:
    • ? : print usage to stderr and exit
    • -h : print usage to stderr and exit
    • -help : print usage to stderr and exit
    • -pu <persistence-unit-name> : the name of a persistence unit
    • -d <target directory> : write the enhanced classes to the specified directory
    • -checkonly : just check the classes for enhancement status
    • -v : verbose output
    • -r : recurse through directories to find all classes and metadata files to enhance
    • -cp <enhancer class loader path> : if not already included in the java class loader, this parameter must contain the statically-compiled classes, and the jdo metadata files loadable as resources
    <directory, file, or resource names>
    • Directory names must not end in ".jdo", ".jar", or ".class"
    • Directories will be searched for files with suffixes ".jdo", ".jar", and ".class"
    • Directories will be searched recursively if the -r option is set
    • Constructor Detail

      • Enhancer

        public Enhancer()
    • Method Detail

      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
        Run the enhancer from the command line.
        args - command line arguments