Annotation Type PostLoad

    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      int order
      The order of execution of this method relative to other annotated callback methods.
    • Element Detail

      • order

        int order
        The order of execution of this method relative to other annotated callback methods. A lower order value means that the annotated method has a higher precedence among annotated methods, and a higher order, a lower precedence. Order values need not be contiguous among annotated methods. Methods that are implementations of the corresponding callback interface method are always called first. The order value Integer.MAX_VALUE, the default, signifies that the order is undefined among annotated methods. If other annotated methods define an order, those methods will be called before annotated methods with an undefined order. If other annotated methods define equal order values, then methods annotated with lower order values will be called before them, the methods with equal order values will be called in an undefined order, and then any methods with higher order values will be called after the methods with equal order values have been called. If a method that represents an implementation of the corresponding interface method carries this annotation, the annotation and its order are ignored, and the interface method is called first. If a subclass annotates a method with the same order as an annotated method in its superclass hierarchy, then the subclass's method is called first, otherwise the order values among all annotated methods in the class and its superclass hierarchy determine call order.