Class SCOUtils

  • public class SCOUtils
    extends Object
    Collection of utilities for second class wrappers and objects.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SCOUtils

        public SCOUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • unwrapSCOField

        public static Object unwrapSCOField​(DNStateManager ownerSM,
                                            int memberNumber,
                                            SCO sco)
        Method to unwrap a SCO field/property (if it is wrapped currently). If the member value is not a SCO will just return the value.
        ownerSM - StateManager of the owner
        memberNumber - The member number in the owner
        sco - The SCO value for the member
        The unwrapped member value TODO Move to TypeManager
      • wrapSCOField

        public static Object wrapSCOField​(DNStateManager ownerSM,
                                          int memberNumber,
                                          Object value,
                                          boolean replaceFieldIfChanged)
        Method to create a new SCO wrapper for the specified field/property. If the member value is a SCO already will just return the value.
        ownerSM - StateManager of the owner
        memberNumber - The member number in the owner
        value - The value to initialise the wrapper with (if any)
        replaceFieldIfChanged - Whether to replace the member in the object if wrapping the value
        The wrapper (or original value if not wrappable) TODO Move to TypeManager
      • getContainerInfoMessage

        public static String getContainerInfoMessage​(DNStateManager ownerSM,
                                                     String fieldName,
                                                     SCOContainer cont,
                                                     boolean useCache,
                                                     boolean allowNulls,
                                                     boolean lazyLoading)
        Utility to generate a message representing the SCO container wrapper and its capabilities.
        ownerSM - StateManager for the owner
        fieldName - Field with the container
        cont - The SCOContainer
        useCache - Whether to use caching of values in the container
        allowNulls - Whether to allow nulls
        lazyLoading - Whether to use lazy loading in the wrapper
        The String
      • getSCOWrapperOptionsMessage

        public static String getSCOWrapperOptionsMessage​(boolean useCache,
                                                         boolean queued,
                                                         boolean allowNulls,
                                                         boolean lazyLoading)
        Convenience method to generate a message containing the options of this SCO wrapper.
        useCache - Whether to cache the value in the wrapper (and not go to the datastore)
        queued - Whether it supports queueing of updates
        allowNulls - Whether it allows null entries
        lazyLoading - Whether it is lazy loaded
        the message
      • allowNullsInContainer

        public static boolean allowNullsInContainer​(boolean defaultValue,
                                                    AbstractMemberMetaData mmd)
        Utility to return whether or not to allow nulls in the container for the specified field.
        defaultValue - Default value for the container
        mmd - MetaData for the field/property
        Whether to allow nulls
      • useContainerCache

        public static boolean useContainerCache​(DNStateManager ownerSM,
                                                AbstractMemberMetaData mmd)
        Utility to return whether or not to use the container cache for the collection/map for the passed StateManager SCO.
        ownerSM - StateManager for the SCO field
        mmd - Metadata for the member that we are considering
        Whether to use the cache.
      • useCachedLazyLoading

        public static boolean useCachedLazyLoading​(DNStateManager ownerSM,
                                                   AbstractMemberMetaData mmd)
        Accessor for whether the use lazy loading when caching the collection.
        ownerSM - StateManager of the owning object
        mmd - Meta-data of the collection/map field
        Whether to use lazy loading when caching the collection
      • collectionHasElementsWithoutIdentity

        public static boolean collectionHasElementsWithoutIdentity​(AbstractMemberMetaData mmd)
        Convenience method to return if a collection field has elements without their own identity. Checks if the elements are embedded in a join table, or in the main table, or serialised.
        mmd - MetaData for the field
        Whether the elements have their own identity or not
      • mapHasKeysWithoutIdentity

        public static boolean mapHasKeysWithoutIdentity​(AbstractMemberMetaData mmd)
        Convenience method to return if a map member has keys without their own identity. Checks if the keys are embedded in a join table, or in the main table, or serialised.
        mmd - MetaData for the member
        Whether the keys have their own identity or not
      • mapHasValuesWithoutIdentity

        public static boolean mapHasValuesWithoutIdentity​(AbstractMemberMetaData mmd)
        Convenience method to return if a map member has values without their own identity. Checks if the values are embedded in a join table, or in the main table, or serialised.
        mmd - MetaData for the member
        Whether the values have their own identity or not
      • collectionHasSerialisedElements

        public static boolean collectionHasSerialisedElements​(AbstractMemberMetaData mmd)
        Convenience method to return if a collection member has the elements serialised into the table of the field as a single BLOB. This is really for use within an RDBMS context.
        mmd - MetaData for the member
        Whether the elements are serialised (either explicitly or implicitly)
      • arrayIsStoredInSingleColumn

        public static boolean arrayIsStoredInSingleColumn​(AbstractMemberMetaData mmd,
                                                          MetaDataManager mmgr)
        Convenience method to return if an array member has the elements stored into the table of the field as a single (BLOB) column.
        mmd - MetaData for the member
        mmgr - MetaData manager
        Whether the elements are stored in a single column
      • mapHasSerialisedKeysAndValues

        public static boolean mapHasSerialisedKeysAndValues​(AbstractMemberMetaData mmd)
        Convenience method to return if a map member has the keys/values serialised. This is really for use within an RDBMS context.
        mmd - MetaData for the member
        Whether the keys and values are serialised (either explicitly or implicitly)
      • attachCopyElements

        public static boolean attachCopyElements​(DNStateManager ownerSM,
                                                 Collection scoColl,
                                                 Collection detachedElements,
                                                 boolean elementsWithoutId)
        Convenience method for use by Collection/Set/HashSet attachCopy methods to add any new elements (added whilst detached) to the collection.
        ownerSM - StateManager for the owner
        scoColl - The current (attached) SCO collection
        detachedElements - The collection of (detached) elements that we're merging
        elementsWithoutId - Whether the elements have no identity
        If the Collection was updated
      • attachCopyForCollection

        public static void attachCopyForCollection​(DNStateManager ownerSM,
                                                   Object[] detachedElements,
                                                   Collection attached,
                                                   boolean elementsWithoutIdentity)
        Method to return an attached copy of the passed (detached) value. The returned attached copy is a SCO wrapper. Goes through the existing elements in the store for this owner field and removes ones no longer present, and adds new elements. All elements in the (detached) value are attached.
        ownerSM - StateManager for the owning object with the collection
        detachedElements - The detached elements in the collection
        attached - Collection to add the attached copies to
        elementsWithoutIdentity - Whether the elements have their own identity
      • attachCopyForMap

        public static void attachCopyForMap​(DNStateManager ownerSM,
                                            Set detachedEntries,
                                            Map attached,
                                            boolean keysWithoutIdentity,
                                            boolean valuesWithoutIdentity)
        Method to return an attached copy of the passed (detached) value. The returned attached copy is a SCO wrapper. Goes through the existing elements in the store for this owner field and removes ones no longer present, and adds new elements. All elements in the (detached) value are attached.
        ownerSM - StateManager for the owning object with the map
        detachedEntries - The detached entries in the map
        attached - Map to add the attached copies to
        keysWithoutIdentity - Whether the keys have their own identity
        valuesWithoutIdentity - Whether the values have their own identity
      • updateCollectionWithCollection

        public static boolean updateCollectionWithCollection​(ApiAdapter api,
                                                             Collection coll,
                                                             Collection elements)
        Convenience method to update a Collection to match the provided elements.
        api - Api adapter
        coll - The collection to update
        elements - The new collection of elements that we need to match
        Whether the collection was updated
      • updateListWithListElements

        public static boolean updateListWithListElements​(List list,
                                                         List elements)
        Convenience method for use by List attachCopy methods to update the passed (attached) list using the (attached) list elements passed.
        list - The current (attached) list
        elements - The list of (attached) elements needed.
        If the List was updated
      • updateMapWithMapKeysValues

        public static boolean updateMapWithMapKeysValues​(ApiAdapter api,
                                                         Map map,
                                                         Map keysValues)
        Convenience method for use by Map attachCopy methods to update the passed (attached) map using the (attached) map keys/values passed.
        api - Api adapter
        map - The current (attached) map
        keysValues - The keys/values required
        If the map was updated
      • populateMapDelegateWithStoreData

        public static <K,​V> void populateMapDelegateWithStoreData​(Map<K,​V> delegate,
                                                                        MapStore<K,​V> store,
                                                                        DNStateManager ownerSM)
        Convenience method to populate the passed delegate Map with the keys/values from the associated Store.

        The issue here is that we need to load the keys and values in as few calls as possible. The method employed here reads in the keys (if persistable), then the values (if persistable), and then the "entries" (ids of keys and values) so we can associate the keys to the values.

        Type Parameters:
        K - Type of the map key
        V - Type of the map value
        delegate - The delegate
        store - The Store
        ownerSM - StateManager of the owner of the map.
      • toArray

        public static Object[] toArray​(CollectionStore backingStore,
                                       DNStateManager sm)
        Returns true if this collection contains the specified element. More formally, returns true if and only if this collection contains at least one element it such that (o==null ? it==null : o.equals(it)).

        This implementation iterates over the elements in the collection, checking each element in turn for equality with the specified element.

        backingStore - the Store
        sm - StateManager
        true if this collection contains the specified element.
      • toArray

        public static Object[] toArray​(CollectionStore backingStore,
                                       DNStateManager sm,
                                       Object[] a)
        Returns an array containing all of the elements in this collection;
        backingStore - the Store
        sm - StateManager
        a - the array into which the elements of the collection are to be stored, if it is big enough; otherwise, a new array of the same runtime type is allocated for this purpose.
        an array containing the elements of the collection.
        NullPointerException - if the specified array is null.
        ArrayStoreException - if the runtime type of the specified array is not a supertype of the runtime type of every element in this collection.
      • getComparator

        public static Comparator getComparator​(AbstractMemberMetaData mmd,
                                               ClassLoaderResolver clr)
        Convenience method for creating a Comparator using extension metadata tags for the specified field. Uses the extension key "comparator-name".
        mmd - The field that needs the comparator
        clr - ClassLoader resolver
        The Comparator
      • detachCopyForCollection

        public static void detachCopyForCollection​(ExecutionContext ec,
                                                   Object[] elements,
                                                   FetchPlanState state,
                                                   Collection detached)
        Convenience method to detach copies (recursively) of all elements for a collection field. All elements that are persistable will be detached.
        ec - ExecutionContext
        elements - The elements in the collection
        state - FetchPlan state
        detached - Collection to add the detached copies to
      • attachForCollection

        public static void attachForCollection​(DNStateManager ownerSM,
                                               Object[] elements,
                                               boolean elementsWithoutIdentity)
        Convenience method to attach (recursively) all elements for a collection field. All elements that are persistable and not yet having an attached object will be attached.
        ownerSM - StateManager for the owning object with the collection
        elements - The elements to process
        elementsWithoutIdentity - Whether the elements have their own identity
      • detachCopyForMap

        public static void detachCopyForMap​(ExecutionContext ec,
                                            Set entries,
                                            FetchPlanState state,
                                            Map detached)
        Convenience method to detach copies (recursively) of all elements for a map field. All elements that are persistable will be detached.
        ec - ExecutionContext
        entries - The entries in the map
        state - FetchPlan state
        detached - Map to add the detached copies to
      • attachForMap

        public static void attachForMap​(DNStateManager ownerSM,
                                        Set entries,
                                        boolean keysWithoutIdentity,
                                        boolean valuesWithoutIdentity)
        Convenience method to attach (recursively) all keys/values for a map field. All keys/values that are persistable and don't already have an attached object will be attached.
        ownerSM - StateManager for the owning object with the map
        entries - The entries in the map to process
        keysWithoutIdentity - Whether the keys have their own identity
        valuesWithoutIdentity - Whether the values have their own identity
      • validateObjectForWriting

        public static boolean validateObjectForWriting​(ExecutionContext ec,
                                                       Object object,
                                                       FieldValues fieldValues)
        Method to check if an object to be stored in a SCO container is already persistent, or is managed by a different ExecutionContext. If not persistent, this call will persist it. If not yet flushed to the datastore this call will flush it.
        ec - ExecutionContext
        object - The object
        fieldValues - Values for any fields when persisting (if the object needs persisting)
        Whether the object was persisted during this call
      • isListBased

        public static boolean isListBased​(Class type)
        Return whether the supplied type (collection) is list based.
        type - Type to check
        Whether it needs list ordering
      • getContainerInstanceType

        public static Class getContainerInstanceType​(Class declaredType,
                                                     Boolean ordered)
        Method to return the type to instantiate a container as. Returns the declared type unless it is not a concrete type, in which case returns ArrayList, HashSet, or HashMap.
        declaredType - The declared type
        ordered - Hint whether it needs ordering or not (null implies not)
        The type to instantiate as
      • detachAsWrapped

        public static boolean detachAsWrapped​(ExecutionContext ec)
        Convenience accessor for whether to detach SCO objects as wrapped.
        ec - ExecutionContext
        Whether to detach SCOs in wrapped form
      • useQueuedUpdate

        public static boolean useQueuedUpdate​(DNStateManager sm)
        Convenience method to return if we should use a queued update for the current operation.
        sm - StateManager
        Whether to use queued for this operation
      • hasDependentElement

        public static boolean hasDependentElement​(AbstractMemberMetaData mmd)
        Method to return if the member is a collection/array with dependent element.
        mmd - member metadata
        whether it has dependent element
      • hasDependentKey

        public static boolean hasDependentKey​(AbstractMemberMetaData mmd)
        Method to return if the member is a map with dependent key.
        mmd - member metadata
        whether it has dependent key
      • hasDependentValue

        public static boolean hasDependentValue​(AbstractMemberMetaData mmd)
        Method to return if the member is a map with dependent value.
        mmd - member metadata
        whether it has dependent value
      • collectionsAreEqual

        public static boolean collectionsAreEqual​(ApiAdapter api,
                                                  Collection oldColl,
                                                  Collection newColl)
        Convenience method to return if two collections of persistent elements are equal.
        api - ApiAdapter
        oldColl - Old collection
        newColl - New collection
        Whether they are equal
      • copyValue

        public static Object copyValue​(Object scoValue)
        Copy a value if it's an *known* SCO type.
        scoValue - An object that might be or not an SCO value
        Return a copy of the value if it's a know SCO type otherwise just return the value itself.