The 1.0 release of AccessPlatform is available under the Apache 2 license from our download page
No further releases
Apr 14th 2009 : Version 1.0.5 includes the following changes
Bug fix so that any remaining non-transactional update when closing the PM always goes to the datastore
Bug fix to JTA handling of afterCompletion()
Bug fix to the enhancer Ant task to allow fork=false
RDBMS: Bug fix to the SchemaTool Ant task to allow fork=false
XML : Fix to retrieval of objects where a class has no "xpath" specified.
Improvement to efficiency of EHCache contains() handling.
Bug fix to the reading of @FetchPlan annotation
Feb 1st 2009 : Version 1.0.4 includes the following changes
Upgrade to NeoDatis 1.9RC1
Bug fix to allow registration of persistent classes when loaded by ClassLoader
Support for QueryResult toArray/subList
Dec 11th 2008 : Version 1.0.3 includes the following changes
Upgrade to Apache POI 3.2
Support for String.startsWith/endsWith/indexOf with parameter/primary expressions
Catch leading/trailing blanks in persistence properties
Support for OpenJPA/Kodo style datastore identity (for people migrating from Kodo)
Support for Xcalia style datastore identity (for people migrating from Xcalia)
LDAP : Support for native queries rather than performing all in-memory.
Fix for unary minus in generic query mechanism
Remove enhancer "verify" mode since no longer used
Provide access to class bytes after enhancement via enhancer API
Fix to replication in some cases where object didnt exist in datastore 2
Fix to RDBMS large result "count" method to ignore ordering
Oct 30th 2008 : Version 1.0.2 includes the following changes
Upgrade to ASM 3.1
Upgrade to JDO 2.2 final jar
Bug fixes to L2 caching of object version, and handling of garbage collected objects
Removal of a Java5 method so people with Java 1.3/1.4 can use it
Fix to how fields are marked as loaded with application identity
Fix to replication of SCO fields
Fix to URL handling with DB4O plugin
Fix to XMLIDRef handling in XML plugin
Sept 23rd 2008 : Version 1.0.1 includes the following changes
Support for JDO2.2 transaction isolation specification mechanism
Support for JPQL bulk delete for db4o, NeoDatis, Excel, XML, LDAP and JSON datastores
Log any invalid/unsupported persistence properties
Performance improvement to Excel and XML datastores to not repeatedly open/close the datastore
When checking for RDBMS table existence use DatabaseMetaData.getTables for performance
Fix logging of initialisation of Derby datastores to remove logged exception
Fix bug in loading of unloaded fields to cater for corner case
Fix bug in DB4O and NeoDatis JDOQL handling of "{alias}.b" syntax
Fix bug in Extents with subclasses for Excel, XML, LDAP and JSON datastores
Fix bug in LDAP persistence of boolean fields
Sept 1st 2008 : Version 1.0 RELEASE includes the following changes
Migration to JDO 2.2 standardised dynamic Fetch Groups from DataNucleus custom groups
Support for chained method operations with in-memory query evaluation
Support for generic compilation of query subqueries
Bug fix so JPA persistence.jar doesnt need to be in CLASSPATH when not using JPA
Support RDBMS dynamic schema upgrades when new implementations of an interface are encountered.
Bug fix for loading of implementations of interfaces and subsequent handling
Add support for datastore identity with Excel datastores
Bug fix to Excel datastores for persistence of null field values, and for retrieval of Float, Double, Integer, Long, BigDecimal, BigInteger
Add support for cascade delete with NeoDatis datastores
Add support for specified indexes with NeoDatis datastores
Bug fix for cascade delete with db4o datastores
Aug 4th 2008 : Version 1.0 Milestone 4 includes the following changes
Upgrade to JDO 2.2 (snapshot), NeoDatis 1.9-beta-3, Apache POI 3.1
Added cache for compiled queries for XML, db4o, Excel, NeoDatis, JSON and LDAP
Added support for NeoDatis embedded server
Added full support for JPQL query compilation using generic compiler
Added support for in-memory JPQL query evaluation of all spec required functions.
Added support for in-memory JDOQL query evaluation of all spec required methods, with the exception of Collection.contains, Map.containsKey, Map.containsValue, Map.get
Support for JDO2.2 @Cacheable allowing control over classes/fields to be cached
Added pluggable support for generic query methods/functions
Added support for use of implicit/explicit parameters with generic JDOQL/JPQL
Added support for use of DISTINCT with generic JDOQL/JPQL
Expanded the support for in-memory evaluation of aggregates to cater for all types of fields
Bug fix to runtime bytecode enhancement allowing its use with annotated classes, and added optimisation to specify the packages to be runtime enhanced providing big speedups
Fixes to allow complete use of Access Platform in a java security environment
Support for JPA2 @ElementCollection/@CollectionTable
Support for performing db4o/NeoDatis JDOQL/JPQL queries totally in-memory where required
Bug fix to allow use of RDBMS datastores that store in lowercase without the need to provide a persistence property to specify this
Bug fix to RDBMS persistence of complicated hierarchy with container+inheritance and multiple relations between container and element, avoiding FK violation
Bug fix to L2 caching for multithreaded operations
July 6th 2008 : Version 1.0 Milestone 3 includes the following changes
Rewritten Level 2 caching, allowing full control over which classes are cached and which fields of which classes are cached. Fixed bugs relating to deleted objects previously being cached, and caching of SCO fields
Rewritten JPQL compiler for use by all datastores.
Addition of an in-memory JPQL evaluator, supporting basic JPQL syntax so far.
Support for JDO2.2 "ReadOnly"
Change in-memory evaluation of JDOQL/JPQL queries to allow evaluation of specific components of the query (rather than the whole query)
Support for in-memory JDOQL/JPQL evaluation of "/", "%", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", etc
Support for in-memory JDOQL evaluation of all common methods (String.matches, String.toUpperCase, etc)
Bug fix to List.remove(int) when using optimistic transaction
Bug fix to in-memory JDOQL evaluation of grouping/result clauses
Support for JPQL querying of db4o datastores
Support for JPQL querying of NeoDatis ODB datastores
Support for JPQL querying of XML documents
Support for JPQL querying of Excel documents
Support for JPQL querying of LDAP datastores
Support for JPQL querying of JSON datastores
Removed original JDOQL querying for db4o - now replaced by generic process, with inbuilt support for more JDOQL syntax.
Support for persistence of wider range of Object types to Excel datastores, using new generic "String-based" persistence
Optimisation of location of an object in Excel datastores resulting in reduced object instantiation
Support for connection-pooling of LDAP connections (contrib Stefan Seelmann)
Support for JDOQL querying of NeoDatis ODB datastores
Support for multiple levels of "xpath" on XML datastores
Bug fix to GROUP BY on RDBMS datastores when the query has multiple components of a UNION
Bug fix on RDBMS datastores to re-enable creation of constraints
Bug fix on RDBMS datastores when using subclass-table inheritance and single subclass
June 1st 2008 : Version 1.0 Milestone 2 includes the following changes
Support for persistence to DB4O as an embedded server (contrib from Joe Batt)
Support for some early draft JPA 2 methods relating to caching and querying
Support for persistence to <a href="">NeoDatis</a>
Support for persistence to <a href="">JSON (RESTful)</a>
Improvements to persistence to XML, including allowing defining of the root for each class.
Significant improvements in support for XA transactions with the JDO JCA adapter, used extensively by <a href="">JFire</a>
Provision of a public <a href="">API</a> for accessing schema information for RDBMS
Bug fixes to L2 caching of SCO fields
Bug fix to detachment when a field was previously attached unchanged.
Bug fix to support @Persistent "recursionDepth" which was previously ignored.
Memory footprint improvements for StateManager.
Optimisation of some aspects of relationship management to prevent unnecessary loading of fields when not needed
Bug fix to use of autoincrement fields with PostgreSQL when used in non-default schema
Bug fix to use of "JDOHelper.getObjectId" within JDOQL for composite PK app id cases
Bug fix to the enhancement of jdoMakeDirty for detached cases to allow for inheritance
April 25th 2008 : Version 1.0 Milestone 1 includes the following changes (to JPOX codebase)
Support for persistence to and simple JDOQL querying of LDAP
Support for persistence to and simple JDOQL querying of Excel
Support for persistence to and simple JDOQL querying of XML
Support for SQL querying of db4o
Several bug fixes, and much restructuring of the JPOX codebase