The 5.1 release of AccessPlatform is available under the Apache 2 license from our download page
Version 5.1 includes the following over 5.0
Updated bytecode enhancement for easier StateManager access
Support for findByUnique
Support for version "initial-value" specification.
Support for soft-delete of persistent objects.
Support for views with identity
Support for Audit @CreateUser/@UpdateUser
Support for CDI injectable AttributeConverters and Entity Listeners.
Add support for Redis L2/QueryResults cache
Drop support for Swarmcache L2 cache
Drop support for Apache DBCP v1 connection pool
No further releases planned; commercial enquiries required.
Aug 4th 2018 : Version 5.1.11 includes the following changes
datanucleus-api-jdo-71 - Some attributes of @Persistent are not processed when embedded
datanucleus-api-jdo-74 - JDOQLTyped query doesn’t use parent query, but should
datanucleus-api-jdo-78 - JDOQLTyped : handle situation of result being candidate (backport)
datanucleus-api-jdo-79 - JDOQLTyped : support Expression.cast (backport)
datanucleus-api-jdo-80 - Implement StringExpression.add(String) (backport)
datanucleus-rdbms-294 - When fetching an object with a version, set the version before the other fields
datanucleus-core-305 - When updating L2 cached object, make sure that any versioned field is also updated (backport)
datanucleus-api-jpa-108 - MetaModel SingularAttribute.isOptional can give misleading info (backport)
datanucleus-rdbms-284 - Modifications to bulk exists logic in 5.1.10 cause it to try when using Optional
Jun 2nd 2018 : Version 5.1.10 includes the following changes
datanucleus-core-291 - Add Java 9 automatic module name to MANIFEST
datanucleus-core-292 - No support available for embedded jars of the form jar:file:<app_jar_path>!<path_inside_app_jar>!/plugin.xml
datanucleus-core-293 - Support in-memory query evaluation of List.indexOf(elemExpr)
datanucleus-api-jdo-69 - Interpret @Embedded as marking the field as persistent (i.e no need for @Persistent)
datanucleus-api-jdo-70 - Add Java 9 automatic module name to MANIFEST
datanucleus-api-jpa-104 - Add Java 9 automatic module name to MANIFEST
datanucleus-mongodb-48 - Support various other MongoClient properties
datanucleus-rdbms-275 - Allow case-insensitive lookup of extension
datanucleus-rdbms-276 - Support use of "uuid" PostgreSQL type in relation fields
datanucleus-rdbms-280 - Add Java 9 automatic module name to MANIFEST
datanucleus-rdbms-281 - Allow bulk fetch of Collection/array of non-persistables
datanucleus-rdbms-283 - JDOQL : Provide some support for List.indexOf(elem)
datanucleus-rdbms-277 - Bulk fetch of array field using join table fails to save the results
Apr 28th 2018 : Version 5.1.9 includes the following changes
datanucleus-core-288 - Upgrade ASM to v6.1.1
datanucleus-core-289 - Build against JTA API v1.3, Validation API v2.0
datanucleus-geospatial-7 - Only load such as Oracle JGeometry if present in CLASSPATH
datanucleus-rdbms-270 - Some RDBMS JDBC drivers return "BASE TABLE" instead of "TABLE" for table type.
datanucleus-rdbms-271 - Refresh of table info from database currently refreshes ALL known tables, but should do the one(s) requested only
datanucleus-rdbms-272 - Remove JTA, DBCP from build deps since not required
datanucleus-mongodb-45 - Support for ordering using unknown/invalid fields
datanucleus-api-jdo-68 - No point creating CDI injected AttributeConverter during enhancement
Apr 4th 2018 : Version 5.1.8 includes the following changes
datanucleus-core-284 - Support L2 caching of embedded/serialised collection/array fields
datanucleus-core-286 - Support L2 caching of embedded/serialised map fields
datanucleus-api-jdo-67 - Change XML metadata location handling to default to not allow JDO 1.0.0 and just use standard
datanucleus-rdbms-257 - Persisting array/Collection as native SQL array type, should allow column info specified on member
datanucleus-rdbms-258 - Retrieval of array persisted into single column using native array type can require type conversion
datanucleus-rdbms-260 - H2 supports String trim of a character, so we should allow that in queries also
datanucleus-rdbms-261 - HSQLDB supports String trim of a character, so we should allow that in queries also
datanucleus-rdbms-263 - Rename IndexMapping to OrderIndexMapping to better describe its usage
datanucleus-rdbms-265 - Allow use of @CreateTimestamp/@UpdateTimestamp when non-transactional
datanucleus-rdbms-269 - Allow disabling of SQL syntax checks for native queries
datanucleus-core-283 - When L2 caching embedded object, explicitly set the "id" to null
datanucleus-core-285 - Update of an embedded element does not mark the owner as dirty but should
datanucleus-rdbms-262 - Loading of null Collection<String> (ordered list) for JPA tries to set it up as a List but may be a Set
datanucleus-rdbms-267 - Exception thrown on dynamic schema updates if class has no attributes
datanucleus-scala-5 - Option[Date] do not work as expected on JDOQL
Mar 5th 2018 : Version 5.1.7 includes the following changes
datanucleus-core-278 - Support enable/disable on javax.validation annotation shortcuts
datanucleus-core-279 - MetaDataParser assumes SAXParser instance can be shared between threads
datanucleus-core-281 - Ensure that JPQL FROM clauses are bound in generic compilation
datanucleus-core-282 - Implementation of JPQL parsing of KEY, VALUE, ENTRY doesn’t cater for having properties starting with those keywords
datanucleus-api-jpa-100 - Support XML metadata "map-key-convert"
datanucleus-neo4j-40 - Support for String startsWith/endsWith/matches in queries
datanucleus-rdbms-248 - Support more complete specification of CREATE INDEX statement
datanucleus-rdbms-249 - Support more complete specification of CREATE UNIQUE statement
datanucleus-rdbms-250 - Support other scenarios with JPQL "IN" where we have (non-Collection) parameters at either/both sides
datanucleus-rdbms-251 - When processing update, only ignore field marked as "not for update" when not in where clause
datanucleus-rdbms-252 - JPQL : Use of CASE expression using parameters in UPDATE statement can result in compilation errors
datanucleus-rdbms-253 - Bulk update/delete queries do not use the "precompilable" flag, but should
Jan 29th 2018 : Version 5.1.6 includes the following changes
datanucleus-core-273 - ClassUtils.getConstructorWithArguments doesn’t allow to skip type check of one of the arguments
datanucleus-neo4j-36 - Support for queries with "IS NULL" / "IS NOT NULL"
datanucleus-neo4j-38 - Support String toUpperCase/toLowerCase/trim/trimLeft/trimRight/substring in JDOQL/JPQL
datanucleus-neo4j-39 - Support Numeric cos/sin/tan/acos/asin/atan/toDegrees/toRadians in JDOQL/JPQL
datanucleus-rdbms-244 - JPQL compilation can fail if a parameter is not yet set, and using a null would be invalid
datanucleus-jdo-query-8 - Rework fix to #5 to avoid conflict with other types
datanucleus-core-274 - Unable to execute an UPDATE JPQL Query against a domain class that contains 'Set' in its name
datanucleus-core-275 - Lists might appear empty while they are actually not (forEach)
datanucleus-neo4j-32 - Retrieval code doesnt handle primitive retrieval when not existing in database
datanucleus-neo4j-35 - Ineqeulity Filter method, .ne() gives QueryExecutionException.
datanucleus-rdbms-242 - Query with candidate being base of inheritance tree using "complete-table" strategy fails when overriding the "id" column name
datanucleus-rdbms-243 - JDOQL query fails when using reference to interface field, and implementations share table
datanucleus-jpa-query-4 - @Basic @Lob ArrayList<byte[]> entity field results in erroneous metamodel
datanucleus-jpa-query-5 - @Basic @Lob Serializable entity field results in erroneous metamodel
Dec 22nd 2017 : Version 5.1.5 includes the following changes
datanucleus-core-272 - EnhancementHelper keeps references to classes after deploy/undeploy cycle
datanucleus-rdbms-238 - MySQL identifier quoting according to (MySQL) documentation
datanucleus-rdbms-240 - Allow user to omit datanucleus.connectionDriverName
datanucleus-core-269 - Metadata#determineSuperClassName fails under certain circumstances
datanucleus-jdo-query-6 - "static" fields shouldn’t be added to Q classes
datanucleus-jpa-query-3 - public final static fields leak into the meta-model
Nov 24th 2017 : Version 5.1.4 includes the following changes
datanucleus-rdbms-235 - MySQL identifiers : support for hyphen ('-')
datanucleus-rdbms-236 - Support turning off primary-key constraint generation for join table (with JPA)
datanucleus-core-268 - Internal definition of persistence.xsd had incorrect "version" for JPA 2.1 and JPA 2.2.
datanucleus-api-jpa-99 - Internal definition of orm.xsd had incorrect "version" for JPA 2.2.
datanucleus-rdbms-237 - Schema identifier naming ignores N-1 uni "table" specification in <field>, so defines its own join table name
Oct 23rd 2017 : Version 5.1.3 includes the following changes
datanucleus-core-265 - Incorporate ASM v6.0 for when we want to support Java 9
datanucleus-core-267 - Add ability to register some annotations as allowing duplicates
datanucleus-api-jdo-65 - patch for JDO-764 (support duplicated @PersistenceCapable)
Sep 13th 2017 : Version 5.1.2 includes the following changes
datanucleus-core-254 - Move "query_method_evaluators" plugin entries to be "built-in"
datanucleus-core-255 - Rework MetaDataParser to simplify the structure and cache more
datanucleus-core-256 - Persistent properties : add check whether the property methods are of the correct signature
datanucleus-core-258 - JPQL functions "key" and "value" should be case insensitive, but currently only allows UPPER CASE
datanucleus-core-262 - EnhancementHelper stores a lot of unused info, and has many unused methods. Clean it up
datanucleus-core-263 - Move EnhancementHelper string constructor handling to ObjectId
datanucleus-api-jdo-63 - Support for core-255
datanucleus-api-jpa-98 - Support for core-255
datanucleus-rdbms-223 - If a type has an "autoApply" TypeConverter then fall back to that when trying to find its mapping
datanucleus-rdbms-224 - Null precedence handling broken for MySQL
datanucleus-rdbms-225 - Extend #83 and abstract whether to use default value into superclass method
datanucleus-rdbms-232 - Cater for user incorrect specification of Collection with embedded elements
datanucleus-api-jdo-62 - AttributeConverter objects registered with PMF are not CDI injected
datanucleus-api-jpa-97 - When registered converters, make sure we register "autoApply" when already registered
datanucleus-rdbms-222 - IntegerRDBMSMapping.setObject for String is incorrect, only uses first character!
datanucleus-rdbms-230 - Support selecting map value
Aug 10th 2017 : Version 5.1.1 includes the following changes
datanucleus-core-245 - Allow optimised backing store handling of sort
datanucleus-core-246 - Move newSCOInstance from SCOUtils to TypeManager
datanucleus-core-248 - Wrapper type for a field uses instantiated type to choose the wrapper if possible; make it configurable
datanucleus-core-250 - Add logged warning when user uses a meta-annotation and DUPLICATES an annotation
datanucleus-core-252 - No need to load up TypeConverter(s) when enhancing
datanucleus-api-jdo-60 - Processing of annotations can load annotations for class multiple times
datanucleus-api-jdo-61 - Assume ExpressionImpl.eq(null) meant to be using a null literal
datanucleus-api-jpa-94 - Processing of annotations can load annotations for class multiple times
datanucleus-api-jpa-95 - Allow specification of sqlType (as well as jdbcType)
datanucleus-rdbms-212 - Update List backing stores in set() method to check if loaded into wrapper, and use that
datanucleus-rdbms-213 - Support use of TypeConverter that convert to byte[]
datanucleus-rdbms-214 - Move built-in SQLExpression/Literal extensions to code rather than plugin mechanism
datanucleus-rdbms-215 - Move entries for "datastore_mapping" plugin point into DatastoreAdaptor as "built-in"
datanucleus-rdbms-217 - Enable internal support for BINARY
datanucleus-rdbms-218 - PostgreSQL JDBC supports SQLXML, so support its use
datanucleus-rdbms-219 - Derby JDBC supports SQLXML, so support its use
datanucleus-rdbms-220 - Support H2 "UUID" column type
datanucleus-rdbms-221 - Support HSQLDB "UUID" column type (from v2.4)
datanucleus-geospatial-4 - Mirror rdbms-215 and move plugin.xml entries for datastore_mapping to DatastoreAdapter
datanucleus-geospatial-6 - Mirror rdbms-211 and move plugin.xml entries for sql_method to DatastoreAdapter
datanucleus-core-247 - Don’t attempt to enhance meta-annotation classes
datanucleus-api-jpa-92 - Entity returned from native query with result class not contained in entity manager
datanucleus-rdbms-216 - Period.getDays() is mapped to incorrect SQLMethod class
Jul 15th 2017 : Version 5.1 RELEASE includes the following changes
datanucleus-core-234 - Migrate QueryCompilationCache to
datanucleus-core-235 - Change query caching so that you cannot turn OFF the cache itself (only the caching of a particular query)
datanucleus-core-236 - Move query_method_prefix extension to QueryManager
datanucleus-core-237 - Drop management_server extension since adding no value
datanucleus-core-238 - Move query instantiation to StoreManager to avoid plugin mechanism lookups
datanucleus-core-239 - ValueGeneration process needs revision, better caching in ValueGenerationManager
datanucleus-core-240 - Rework ValueGenerator interface to construct based on whether "unique" or not
datanucleus-core-241 - Add persistence.xml v2.2 XSD
datanucleus-core-242 - Add support for persisting java.time.Period as 3 columns (years, months, days)
datanucleus-core-243 - datanucleus.valuegeneration.transactionAttribute value of "UsePM" should be removed; deprecated long ago
datanucleus-core-244 - IdentityStrategy should really be called ValueGenerationStrategy
datanucleus-api-jdo-59 - Enable support for stateful AttributeConverter with injected dependencies
datanucleus-api-jpa-88 - Support hint of "datanucleus.query.ignoreCache" to ignore the cache(s) on query retrieval
datanucleus-api-jpa-89 - Enable support for stateful AttributeConverter with injected dependencies
datanucleus-api-jpa-90 - Enable support for stateful Event Listener with injected dependencies
datanucleus-api-jpa-91 - Add orm.xml v2.2 XSD
datanucleus-rdbms-205 - AbstractClassTable generates ValueGenerator but that should be moved to ValueGeneratorManager
datanucleus-rdbms-206 - Move built-in connection pool plugins to code rather than plugin mechanism
datanucleus-rdbms-207 - Drop DBCP built-in connection pool
datanucleus-rdbms-208 - Move built-in JavaTypeMapping plugins to code rather than plugin mechanism
datanucleus-rdbms-209 - SQLMethod implementations should pass SQLStatement into the getExpression() method
datanucleus-rdbms-210 - SQLOperation implementations should pass just use the first arg to the getExpression() method for SQLExpressionFactory
datanucleus-rdbms-211 - SQLMethod information should be embodied in DatastoreAdapter, and treated as "built-in" rather than in plugin mechanism
datanucleus-core-221 - Collections.sort() on persistent List not saved to database with Java 8
Jul 4th 2017 : Version 5.1 Milestone 4 includes the following changes
datanucleus-core-227 - Add FlushMode to ExecutionContext so we can clean up some of the flushing options
datanucleus-core-228 - Rename property "datanucleus.datastoreTransactionFlushLimit" to ""
datanucleus-core-229 - Drop SoftValueMap and use ConcurrentReferenceHashMap instead
datanucleus-core-230 - Support @CreateUser, @UpdateUser specifying the current user
datanucleus-core-231 - Rename property "datanucleus.cache.level2.timeout" to "datanucleus.cache.level2.expiryMillis"
datanucleus-core-232 - Many SCO wrappers have synchronised methods but the class they wrap don’t; remove the synchronized keyword
datanucleus-core-233 - ConnectionManager should manage all connection activity, but currently some is in StoreManager etc
datanucleus-api-jdo-56 - Change "supportedAnnotations" to be org.datanucleus.api.jdo.annotations
datanucleus-api-jdo-57 - Add annotations @CreateUser, @UpdateUser
datanucleus-api-jpa-86 - Change "supportedAnnotations" to be org.datanucleus.api.jpa.annotations
datanucleus-api-jpa-87 - Add annotations @CreateUser, @UpdateUser
datanucleus-cache-2 - Memcached plugins have some synchronised when not necessary
datanucleus-cache-3 - Drop Swarmcache
datanucleus-cache-4 - Add simple Redis L2 cache support
datanucleus-cassandra-30 - Check for schema existence of a class is unoptimised and should check for StoreData
datanucleus-cassandra-31 - Support core-233
datanucleus-excel-19 - Check for schema existence of a class is unoptimised and should check for StoreData
datanucleus-excel-20 - Support core-233
datanucleus-hbase-34 - Check for schema existence of a class is unoptimised and should check for StoreData
datanucleus-hbase-35 - Support core-233
datanucleus-json-14 - Support core-233
datanucleus-ldap-14 - Support core-233
datanucleus-mongodb-38 - Detect attempt to add index on "_id" field
datanucleus-mongodb-40 - Check for schema existence of a class is unoptimised and should check for StoreData
datanucleus-mongodb-41 - Support core-233
datanucleus-neo4j-31 - Support core-233
datanucleus-odf-16 - Check for schema existence of a class is unoptimised and should check for StoreData
datanucleus-odf-17 - Support core-233
datanucleus-rdbms-202 - Add support for @CreateUser, @UpdateUser
datanucleus-rdbms-203 - Processing of query results creates new ResultSetGetter for each row, but could use single per query?
datanucleus-rdbms-204 - Support core-233
datanucleus-xml-6 - Support core-233
datanucleus-rdbms-200 - Types not converted in TypeConverterLiteral, causing delegate literal to fail to construct.
Jun 1st 2017 : Version 5.1 Milestone 3 includes the following changes
datanucleus-core-210 - Provide hook for accessing CDI when in an environment that provides it
datanucleus-core-211 - When using JDOQL, if result class specified but no result then result defaults to candidate
datanucleus-core-214 - Support in-memory evaluation of Date.getDayOfWeek
datanucleus-core-215 - Support use of "datanucleus.generateSchema.create.order" and "datanucleus.generateSchema.drop.order"
datanucleus-core-216 - Support a mechanism for forcing version update of an object
datanucleus-core-217 - Add field number to SurrogateColumnType so that we can use when passing in field numbers
datanucleus-core-220 - Provide ExecutionContext.detachObjects so we can potentially do bulk detach
datanucleus-core-222 - Add support for meta annotations, so that users can define their own composite annotations
datanucleus-core-223 - JPA 1-1-UNI via join table maps to N-1-UNI but tries to create unique constraint
datanucleus-core-224 - Move lockMode into LockManager from ObjectProvider
datanucleus-api-jdo-51 - Allow DN JDO extension annotations to be used as part of meta-annotations
datanucleus-api-jpa-84 - Allow DN JPA extension annotations to be used as part of meta-annotations
datanucleus-rdbms-188 - Support Date.getDayOfWeek / DAY_OF_WEEK(date)
datanucleus-rdbms-189 - Handling of MaxFetchDepth in navigation requests
datanucleus-rdbms-192 - Allow classes to map onto VIEWs when using an identity
datanucleus-rdbms-194 - Make use of SurrogateColumnType.getFieldNumber() instead of RDBMS-specific variant
datanucleus-rdbms-198 - JDOQL : when checking the validity of a result class, don’t perform checks when the user specifies the default Object[]
datanucleus-core-218 - Default table name for JPA should be the entity name, not the class name
datanucleus-api-jdo-49 - Query.executeUnique should call setUnique but doesn’t!
datanucleus-api-jdo-52 - JDOQL: default query result does not work with executeResultList
datanucleus-rdbms-195 - Default table name for JPA should be the entity name, not the class name
datanucleus-rdbms-197 - Naming of join table column for N-1 uni, ignores JPA convention
Apr 27th 2017 : Version 5.1 Milestone 2 includes the following changes
datanucleus-core-156 - Support user-provided identity class with className field defining the class of the object
datanucleus-core-157 - ExecutionContextImpl.findObject should have an option of finding an object by particular member(s) that are unique keys
datanucleus-core-199 - Create new object with app id can result in create "id" multiple times
datanucleus-core-200 - Code for creation of new application identity "id" object is in 3 places; use IdentityManager.getApplicationId() only
datanucleus-core-201 - Query.addSubquery should only allow a single variable name to be defined for the subquery
datanucleus-core-203 - WeakValueMap is no longer used; remove it
datanucleus-core-204 - StateManager : object is put in L1 cache too many times
datanucleus-core-205 - Extend L1 and L2 cache to allow caching by a unique key
datanucleus-core-206 - JPQL : Support compilation of NodeType of TYPE when used in result
datanucleus-core-207 - Define SOFTDELETE column name for CompleteClassTable factories
datanucleus-core-208 - Refactor ObjectProvider/StateManager interfaces to simplify the structure
datanucleus-api-jdo-47 - Support core-156
datanucleus-api-jdo-48 - Add @ComparatorClass annotation for specifying the comparator of a collection field
datanucleus-api-jpa-80 - Support override properties for elements of persistence.xml
datanucleus-api-jpa-82 - Add @ComparatorClass annotation for specifying the comparator of a collection field
datanucleus-rdbms-184 - JPQL join to new root doesn’t cater for UNIONed query statement
datanucleus-rdbms-186 - Support core-156
datanucleus-rdbms-187 - Support compilation of JPQL TYPE expression in the result clause when the primary uses discriminator
datanucleus-cassandra-29 - Need to assign type to SOFTDELETE column
datanucleus-xml-5 - Support core-156
datanucleus-core-197 - Generic compilation of query result "alias" is prone to problems
datanucleus-api-jpa-78 - CriteriaUpdate doesnt register symbol for any ParameterExpression in the update clause
datanucleus-cassandra-28 - Load of query doesnt ensure that all SCOs are wrapped
datanucleus-mongodb-37 - Load of query doesnt ensure that all SCOs are wrapped
datanucleus-neo4j-25 - LazyLoadQueryResult Exception if result is empty when calling size()/isEmpty()
datanucleus-neo4j-28 - Load of query doesnt ensure that all SCOs are wrapped
datanucleus-hbase-33 - Load of query doesnt ensure that all SCOs are wrapped
datanucleus-odf-15 - Load of query doesnt ensure that all SCOs are wrapped
Mar 17th 2017 : Version 5.1 Milestone 1 includes the following changes
datanucleus-core-142 - Enhancement : add dnGetStateManager() method
datanucleus-core-159 - Add enum for SurrogateColumnType and change to use it rather than multiple getters
datanucleus-core-153 - Merge VersionHelper into ExecutionContext and allow configuration over version initial value
datanucleus-core-178 - Support specification of initial version number when using VersionStrategy.VERSION_NUMBER
datanucleus-core-179 - VersionStrategy.NONE should imply don’t increment any value
datanucleus-core-181 - Add property so that people can contribute new mechanisms for storing "identity" in non-RDBMS datastores
datanucleus-core-183 - Set default for "datanucleus.jtaLocator" to be "autodetect" to match what it does
datanucleus-core-184 - Revise naming schema for all persistence properties related to transactions
datanucleus-core-188 - Add schema/catalog to SequenceMetaData
datanucleus-core-190 - Remove "datanucleus.storeManagerType" since we can determine it from the URL or connection type
datanucleus-core-192 - Drop extension point "org.datanucleus.store_objectvaluegenerator" since never used and better routes available
datanucleus-core-182 - Support join on map KEY
datanucleus-core-180 - Add support for soft-delete of persistable objects
datanucleus-api-jdo-44 - Support core-142
datanucleus-api-jdo-45 - Add support for soft-delete, see core-180
datanucleus-api-jdo-46 - Use of persistence.xml with non-jta-data-source but no jta-data-source should use it as primary
datanucleus-api-jpa-59 - Support core-142
datanucleus-api-jpa-60 - Add support for soft-delete, see core-180
datanucleus-api-jpa-61 - When in container mode, check on (JTA) transaction being active should include an attempt to join
datanucleus-api-jpa-70 - Support JPA MapKeyClass
datanucleus-api-jpa-72 - Support SequenceGenerator / <sequence-generator> "schema" / "catalog"
datanucleus-api-jpa-75 - Support @MapKeyJoinColumn
datanucleus-rdbms-21 - Support SoftDelete of objects
datanucleus-rdbms-163 - Support core-159
datanucleus-rdbms-164 - Update to use "surrogate" method for mappings
datanucleus-rdbms-167 - Support core-153
datanucleus-rdbms-168 - Consider removing failover plugin point
datanucleus-rdbms-169 - Support SequenceMetaData "schema"/"catalog" when generating sequence
datanucleus-rdbms-172 - Remove reference to "table-sequence" value generator, since this is "increment"
datanucleus-rdbms-173 - Support JPQL join on KEY(…) where the "…" is the value
datanucleus-cassandra-25 - Support core-159
datanucleus-cassandra-26 - Support core-153
datanucleus-cassandra-27 - Support SoftDelete of objects
datanucleus-mongodb-31 - Support core-159
datanucleus-mongodb-32 - Support core-153
datanucleus-mongodb-33 - Support SoftDelete of objects
datanucleus-neo4j-22 - Support core-159
datanucleus-neo4j-23 - Support core-153
datanucleus-neo4j-24 - Support SoftDelete of objects
datanucleus-hbase-28 - Support core-159
datanucleus-hbase-29 - Support core-153
datanucleus-hbase-30 - Make use of core-181 property to support "HBase Legacy" storage of identity in relations
datanucleus-hbase-31 - Support SoftDelete of objects
datanucleus-excel-17 - Support core-159
datanucleus-excel-18 - Support core-153
datanucleus-odf-13 - Support core-159
datanucleus-odf-14 - Support core-153
datanucleus-json-11 - Support core-159
datanucleus-json-12 - Support core-153
datanucleus-core-177 - TRIM handling for JPQL doesn’t cater for multiple component identifiers
datanucleus-core-193 - If we have an unknown type that extends an existing type, don’t fallback if it needs a wrapper
datanucleus-api-jpa-65 - Application-managed EMF should map jta-data-source and non-jta-data-source on to internal persistence property names
datanucleus-api-jpa-67 - EMF.createEntityManager passing in props is trying to create new NucleusContext but shouldn’t
datanucleus-api-jpa-68 - PersistenceUnitUtil.isLoaded(Object,String) attempts to resolve if loaded by wrong method
datanucleus-api-jpa-74 - EMF debug code needs null check
datanucleus-rdbms-165 - Fix for #137 is flawed and should check for null element metadata
datanucleus-rdbms-175 - Collection/Map join table column default names can be incorrect for JPA
datanucleus-rdbms-176 - Collection/Map join table default name can be incorrect for JPA
datanucleus-rdbms-178 - JDOQL will cache datastore compilation regardless of cache setting!
datanucleus-mongodb-35 - Fix handling of mongodb integer-based props