Extensions : Identifier Factories


DataNucleus is developed as a plugin-driven framework and one of the components that is pluggable is the naming of datastore identifiers. DataNucleus provides its own internal identifier factories, but also allows you to plugin your own factory. Identifiers are required when using an RDBMS datastore to define the name of components in the datastore, such as table/columns.

DataNucleus provides the mechanism to generate datastore identifiers (table/column names) when none are defined by the users metadata/annotations. In addition to the default JDO factory there is also an identifier factory that generates identifiers consistent with the JPA1 specification. You can extend DataNucleuss capabilities using the plugin extension org.datanucleus.store.rdbms.identifierfactory.

Plugin extension-point Key Description Location
org.datanucleus.store.rdbms.identifierfactory jpox Identifier Factory providing DataNucleus JPOX default namings datanucleus-core
org.datanucleus.store.rdbms.identifierfactory datanucleus1 Identifier Factory providing DataNucleus 1.x default namings datanucleus-core
org.datanucleus.store.rdbms.identifierfactory datanucleus2 Identifier Factory providing DataNucleus 2.x+ namings datanucleus-core
org.datanucleus.store.rdbms.identifierfactory jpa Identifier Factory providing JPA-compliant namings datanucleus-core


Any identifier factory plugin will need to implement org.datanucleus.store.rdbms.identifier.IdentifierFactory Javadoc. So you need to implement the following interface

package org.datanucleus.store.rdbms.identifier;

public interface IdentifierFactory
     * Accessor for the datastore adapter that we are creating identifiers for.
     * @return The datastore adapter
    DatastoreAdapter getDatastoreAdapter();

     * Accessor for the identifier case being used.
     * @return The identifier case
    IdentifierCase getIdentifierCase();

/** * Accessor for an identifier for use in the datastore adapter * @param identifier The identifier name * @return Identifier name for use with the datastore adapter */ String getIdentifierInAdapterCase(String identifier);

     * To be called when we want an identifier name creating based on the
     * identifier. Creates identifier for COLUMN, FOREIGN KEY, INDEX and TABLE
     * @param identifierType the type of identifier to be created
     * @param identifierName The identifier name
     * @return The DatastoreIdentifier
    DatastoreIdentifier newIdentifier(IdentifierType identifierType, String identifierName);

     * Method to use to generate an identifier for a datastore field with the supplied name.
     * The passed name will not be changed (other than in its case) although it may
     * be truncated to fit the maximum length permitted for a datastore field identifier.
     * @param identifierName The identifier name
     * @return The DatastoreIdentifier for the table
    DatastoreIdentifier newDatastoreContainerIdentifier(String identifierName);

     * Method to return a Table identifier for the specified class.
     * @param md Meta data for the class
     * @return The identifier for the table
    DatastoreIdentifier newDatastoreContainerIdentifier(AbstractClassMetaData md);

     * Method to return a Table identifier for the specified field.
     * @param fmd Meta data for the field
     * @return The identifier for the table
    DatastoreIdentifier newDatastoreContainerIdentifier(AbstractMemberMetaData fmd);

     * Method to use to generate an identifier for a datastore field with the supplied name.
     * The passed name will not be changed (other than in its case) although it may
     * be truncated to fit the maximum length permitted for a datastore field identifier.
     * @param identifierName The identifier name
     * @return The DatastoreIdentifier
    DatastoreIdentifier newDatastoreFieldIdentifier(String identifierName);

     * Method to create an identifier for a datastore field where we want the
     * name based on the supplied java name, and the field has a particular
     * role (and so could have its naming set according to the role).
     * @param javaName The java field name
     * @param embedded Whether the identifier is for a field embedded
     * @param fieldRole The role to be performed by this column e.g FK, Index ?
     * @return The DatastoreIdentifier
    DatastoreIdentifier newDatastoreFieldIdentifier(String javaName, boolean embedded, int fieldRole);

     * Method to generate an identifier name for reference field, based on the metadata for the
     * field, and the ClassMetaData for the implementation.
     * @param refMetaData the MetaData for the reference field
     * @param implMetaData the AbstractClassMetaData for this implementation
     * @param implIdentifier PK identifier for the implementation
     * @param embedded Whether the identifier is for a field embedded
     * @param fieldRole The role to be performed by this column e.g FK, collection element ?
     * @return The DatastoreIdentifier
    DatastoreIdentifier newReferenceFieldIdentifier(AbstractMemberMetaData refMetaData, 
        AbstractClassMetaData implMetaData, DatastoreIdentifier implIdentifier, 
        boolean embedded, int fieldRole);

     * Method to return an identifier for a discriminator datastore field.
     * @return The discriminator datastore field identifier
    DatastoreIdentifier newDiscriminatorFieldIdentifier();

     * Method to return an identifier for a version datastore field.
     * @return The version datastore field identifier
    DatastoreIdentifier newVersionFieldIdentifier();

     * Method to return a new Identifier based on the passed identifier, but adding on the passed suffix
     * @param identifier The current identifier
     * @param suffix The suffix
     * @return The new identifier
    DatastoreIdentifier newIdentifier(DatastoreIdentifier identifier, String suffix);

    // RDBMS types of identifiers

     * Method to generate a join-table identifier. The identifier could be for a foreign-key
     * to another table (if the destinationId is provided), or could be for a simple column
     * in the join table.
     * @param ownerFmd MetaData for the owner field
     * @param relatedFmd MetaData for the related field (if bidirectional)
     * @param destinationId Identifier for the identity field of the destination table
     * @param embedded Whether the identifier is for a field embedded
     * @param fieldRole The role to be performed by this column e.g FK, collection element ?
     * @return The identifier.
    DatastoreIdentifier newJoinTableFieldIdentifier(AbstractMemberMetaData ownerFmd, 
        AbstractMemberMetaData relatedFmd,
        DatastoreIdentifier destinationId, boolean embedded, int fieldRole);

     * Method to generate a FK/FK-index field identifier. 
     * The identifier could be for the FK field itself, or for a related index for the FK.
     * @param ownerFmd MetaData for the owner field
     * @param relatedFmd MetaData for the related field (if bidirectional)
     * @param destinationId Identifier for the identity field of the destination table (if strict FK)
     * @param embedded Whether the identifier is for a field embedded
     * @param fieldRole The role to be performed by this column e.g owner, index ?
     * @return The identifier
    DatastoreIdentifier newForeignKeyFieldIdentifier(AbstractMemberMetaData ownerFmd, 
        AbstractMemberMetaData relatedFmd,
        DatastoreIdentifier destinationId, boolean embedded, int fieldRole);

     * Method to return an identifier for an index (ordering) datastore field.
     * @param mmd Metadata for the field/property that we require to add an index(order) column for
     * @return The index datastore field identifier
    DatastoreIdentifier newIndexFieldIdentifier(AbstractMemberMetaData mmd);

     * Method to return an identifier for an adapter index datastore field.
     * An "adapter index" is a column added to be part of a primary key when some other
     * column cant perform that role.
     * @return The index datastore field identifier
    DatastoreIdentifier newAdapterIndexFieldIdentifier();

     * Method to generate an identifier for a sequence using the passed name.
     * @param sequenceName the name of the sequence to use
     * @return The DatastoreIdentifier
    DatastoreIdentifier newSequenceIdentifier(String sequenceName);

     * Method to generate an identifier for a primary key.
     * @param table the table
     * @return The DatastoreIdentifier
    DatastoreIdentifier newPrimaryKeyIdentifier(DatastoreContainerObject table);

     * Method to generate an identifier for an index.
     * @param table the table
     * @param isUnique if the index is unique
     * @param seq the sequential number
     * @return The DatastoreIdentifier
    DatastoreIdentifier newIndexIdentifier(DatastoreContainerObject table, 
                boolean isUnique, int seq);

     * Method to generate an identifier for a candidate key.
     * @param table the table
     * @param seq Sequence number
     * @return The DatastoreIdentifier
    DatastoreIdentifier newCandidateKeyIdentifier(DatastoreContainerObject table, int seq);

     * Method to create an identifier for a foreign key.
     * @param table the table
     * @param seq the sequential number
     * @return The DatastoreIdentifier
    DatastoreIdentifier newForeignKeyIdentifier(DatastoreContainerObject table, int seq);

Be aware that you can extend org.datanucleus.store.rdbms.identifier.AbstractIdentifierFactory Javadoc.


Lets assume that you want to provide your own identifier factory MyIdentifierFactory

package mydomain;

import org.datanucleus.store.rdbms.identifier.AbstractSIdentifierFactory

public class MyIdentifierFactory extends AbstractIdentifierFactory
     * Constructor.
     * @param dba Datastore adapter
     * @param clr ClassLoader resolver
     * @param props Map of properties with String keys
    public MyIdentifierFactory(DatastoreAdapter dba, ClassLoaderResolver clr, Map props)
        super(dba, clr, props);

    .. (implement the rest of the interface)

Plugin Specification

When we have defined our IdentifierFactory we just need to make it into a DataNucleus plugin. To do this you simply add a file plugin.xml to your JAR at the root. The file plugin.xml should look like this

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<plugin id="mydomain" name="DataNucleus plug-ins" provider-name="My Company">
    <extension point="org.datanucleus.store.rdbms.identifierfactory">
        <identifierfactory name="myfactory" class-name="mydomain.MyIdentifierFactory"/>

Note that you also require a MANIFEST.MF file as per the Extensions Guide.

Plugin Usage

The only thing remaining is to use your new IdentifierFactory plugin. You do this by having your plugin in the CLASSPATH at runtime, and setting the PMF property datanucleus.identifierFactory to myfactory (the name you specified in the plugin.xml file).