Extensions : Store Manager


DataNucleus provides support for persisting objects to particular datastores. It provides this capability via a Store Manager. It provides a Store Manager plugin for many datastores (see below). You can extend DataNucleuss capabilities using the plugin extension org.datanucleus.store_manager.

Plugin extension-point Key URL-key Description Location
org.datanucleus.store_manager rdbms jdbc Store Manager for RDBMS datastores datanucleus-rdbms
org.datanucleus.store_manager cassandra cassandra Store Manager for Cassandra datastore datanucleus-cassandra
org.datanucleus.store_manager neodatis neodatis Store Manager for NeoDatis datastores datanucleus-neodatis
org.datanucleus.store_manager ldap ldap Store Manager for LDAP datastores datanucleus-ldap
org.datanucleus.store_manager excel excel Store Manager for Excel spreadsheets datanucleus-excel
org.datanucleus.store_manager odf odf Store Manager for ODF spreadsheets datanucleus-odf
org.datanucleus.store_manager xml xml Store Manager for XML datastores datanucleus-xml
org.datanucleus.store_manager json json Store Manager for JSON datastores datanucleus-json
org.datanucleus.store_manager amazons3 amazons3 Store Manager for Amazon S3 datastore datanucleus-json
org.datanucleus.store_manager googlestorage googlestorage Store Manager for Google Storage datastore datanucleus-json
org.datanucleus.store_manager hbase hbase Store Manager for HBase datastores datanucleus-hbase
org.datanucleus.store_manager mongodb mongodb Store Manager for MongoDB datastores datanucleus-mongodb


If you want to implement support for another datastore you can achieve it by implementating the StoreManager interface. Javadoc.

For a brief guide on starting support for a new datastore, follow this HOWTO.

Plugin Specification

Once you have this implementation you then need to make the class available as a DataNucleus plugin. You do this by putting a file plugin.xml in your JAR at the root of the CLASSPATH. The file plugin.xml will look like this

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<plugin id="mydomain.mystore" name="DataNucleus plug-ins" provider-name="My Company">
    <extension point="org.datanucleus.store_manager">
        <store-manager class-name="mydomain.MyStoreManager" url-key="mykey" key="mykey"/>

Note that you also require a MANIFEST.MF file as per the Extensions Guide.

Plugin Usage

The only thing remaining is to use your StoreManager. To do this you simply define your ConnectionURL to start with the mykey defined in the plugin spec (for example, with the RDBMS plugin, the connection URL starts jdbc:db-name:. This will select your store manager based on that.