
Package defining the connection to the datastore.


This is the entry point into the connection management process. You use it to get a connection to the datastore (ManagedConnection). This manages a "primary" ConnectionFactory and an optional "secondary" ConnectionFactory. Some datastores only support a single factory. The ConnectionManager manages 2 caches of the currently allocated ManagedConnection objects, keyed by the ExecutionContext they are for; an ExecutionContext can only have 1 ManagedConnection per ConnectionFactory.


This is responsible for generating the actual connections to the datastore. Each datastore plugin has to implement this for their own datastore. There is a provided AbstractConnectionFactory that must be extended to provide this implementation.


This represents the actual connection to the datastore, wrapping the real connection. Each datastore plugin has to implement this for their own datastore. There is a provided AbstractManagedConnection that must be extended to provide this implementation.