JPA : Datastore Schema

Some datastores have a well-defined structure and when persisting/retrieving from these datastores you have to have this schema in place. DataNucleus provides various controls for creation of any necessary schema components. This creation can be performed as follows

The thing to remember when using DataNucleus is that the schema is under your control. DataNucleus does not impose anything on you as such, and you have the power to turn on/off all schema components. Some Java persistence tools add various types of information to the tables for persisted classes, such as special columns, or meta information. DataNucleus is very unobtrusive as far as the datastore schema is concerned. It minimises the addition of any implementation artifacts to the datastore, and adds nothing (other than any datastore identities, and version columns where requested) to any schema tables.

Schema Generation for persistence-unit

DataNucleus JPA allows you to generate the schema for your persistence-unit when creating an EMF. You can create, drop or drop then create the schema either directly in the datastore, or in scripts (DDL) as required. See the associated persistence properties (most of these only apply to RDBMS).

  • javax.persistence.schema-generation.database.action which can be set to create, drop, drop-and-create or none to control the generation of the schema in the database.
  • javax.persistence.schema-generation.scripts.action which can be set to create, drop, drop-and-create or none to control the generation of the schema as scripts (DDL). See also and which will be generated using this mode of operation.
  • - this should be set to the name of a DDL script file that will be generated when using javax.persistence.schema-generation.scripts.action
  • - this should be set to the name of a DDL script file that will be generated when using javax.persistence.schema-generation.scripts.action
  • javax.persistence.schema-generation.scripts.create.source - set this to an SQL script of your own that will create some tables (prior to any schema generation from the persistable objects)
  • javax.persistence.schema-generation.scripts.drop.source - set this to an SQL script of your own that will drop some tables (prior to any schema generation from the persistable objects)
  • javax.persistence.sql-load-script-source - set this to an SQL script of your own that will insert any data that you require to be available when your EMF is initialised

Schema Auto-Generation at runtime

If you want to create the schema ("tables"+"columns"+"constraints") during the persistence process, the property datanucleus.schema.autoCreateAll provides a way of telling DataNucleus to do this. It's a shortcut to setting the other 3 properties to true. Thereafter, during calls to DataNucleus to persist classes or performs queries of persisted data, whenever it encounters a new class to persist that it has no information about, it will use the MetaData to check the datastore for presence of the "table", and if it doesn't exist, will create it. In addition it will validate the correctness of the table (compared to the MetaData for the class), and any other constraints that it requires (to manage any relationships). If any constraints are missing it will create them.

  • If you wanted to only create the "tables" required, and none of the "constraints" the property datanucleus.schema.autoCreateTables provides this, simply performing the tables part of the above.
  • If you want to create any missing "columns" that are required, the property datanucleus.schema.autoCreateColumns provides this, validating and adding any missing columns.
  • If you wanted to only create the "constraints" required, and none of the "tables" the property datanucleus.schema.autoCreateConstraints provides this, simply performing the "constraints" part of the above.
  • If you want to keep your schema fixed (i.e don't allow any modifications at runtime) then make sure that the properties datanucleus.schema.autoCreate{XXX} are set to false

Schema Generation : Validation

DataNucleus can check any existing schema against what is implied by the MetaData.

The property datanucleus.schema.validateTables provides a way of telling DataNucleus to validate any tables that it needs against their current definition in the datastore. If the user already has a schema, and want to make sure that their tables match what DataNucleus requires (from the MetaData definition) they would set this property to true. This can be useful for example where you are trying to map to an existing schema and want to verify that you've got the correct MetaData definition.

The property datanucleus.schema.validateColumns provides a way of telling DataNucleus to validate any columns of the tables that it needs against their current definition in the datastore. If the user already has a schema, and want to make sure that their tables match what DataNucleus requires (from the MetaData definition) they would set this property to true. This will validate the precise column types and widths etc, including defaultability/nullability settings. Please be aware that many JDBC drivers contain bugs that return incorrect column detail information and so having this turned off is sometimes the only option (dependent on the JDBC driver quality).

The property datanucleus.schema.validateConstraints provides a way of telling DataNucleus to validate any constraints (primary keys, foreign keys, indexes) that it needs against their current definition in the datastore. If the user already has a schema, and want to make sure that their table constraints match what DataNucleus requires (from the MetaData definition) they would set this property to true.

Schema Generation : Naming Issues

Some datastores allow access to multiple "schemas" (such as with most RDBMS). DataNucleus will, by default, use the "default" database schema for the Connection URL and user supplied. This may cause issues where the user has been set up and in some databases (e.g Oracle) you want to write to a different schema (which that user has access to). To achieve this in DataNucleus you would set the persistence properties


This will mean that all RDBMS DDL and SQL statements will prefix table names with the necessary catalog and schema names (specify which ones your datastore supports).

Schema Generation : Column Ordering

By default all tables are generated with columns in alphabetical order, starting with root class fields followed by subclass fields (if present in the same table) etc. This is not part of JPA but DataNucleus allows an extension to specify the relative position, such as


Note that the values of the position start at 0, and should be specified completely for all columns of all fields.

Schema : Read-Only

If your datastore is read-only (you can't add/update/delete any data in it), obviously you could just configure your application to not perform these operations. An alternative is to set the EMF as read-only, by setting the persistence property datanucleus.ReadOnlyDatastore to true.

From now on, whenever you perform a persistence operation that implies a change in datastore data, the operation will throw a PersistenceException.

DataNucleus provides an additional control over the behaviour when an attempt is made to change a read-only datastore. The default behaviour is to throw an exception. You can change this using the persistence property datanucleus.readOnlyDatastoreAction with values of "EXCEPTION" (default), and "IGNORE". "IGNORE" has the effect of simply ignoring all attempted updates to readonly objects.

You can take this read-only control further and specify it just on specific classes. Like this

@Extension(vendorName="datanucleus", key="read-only", value="true")
public class MyClass {...}


DataNucleus SchemaTool currently works with RDBMS, HBase, Excel, OOXML, ODF, MongoDB, Cassandra datastores and is very simple to operate. It has the following modes of operation :

  • createSchema - create the specified schema if the datastore supports that operation.
  • deleteSchema - delete the specified schema if the datastore supports that operation.
  • create - create all database tables required for the classes defined by the input data.
  • delete - delete all database tables required for the classes defined by the input data.
  • deletecreate - delete all database tables required for the classes defined by the input data, then create the tables.
  • validate - validate all database tables required for the classes defined by the input data.
  • dbinfo - provide detailed information about the database, it's limits and datatypes support. Only for RDBMS currently.
  • schemainfo - provide detailed information about the database schema. Only for RDBMS currently.

In addition for RDBMS, the create/delete modes can be used by adding "-ddlFile {filename}" and this will then not create/delete the schema, but instead output the DDL for the tables/constraints into the specified file.

For the create, delete and validate modes DataNucleus SchemaTool accepts either of the following types of input.

  • A set of MetaData and class files. The MetaData files define the persistence of the classes they contain. The class files are provided when the classes have annotations.
  • The name of a persistence-unit. The persistence-unit name defines all classes, metadata files, and jars that make up that unit. Consequently, running DataNucleus SchemaTool with a persistence unit name will create the schema for all classes that are part of that unit. Important : if using SchemaTool with a persistence-unit make sure you omit javax.persistence.schema-generation properties from your persistence-unit.

Here we provide many different ways to invoke DataNucleus SchemaTool


If you are using Maven to build your system, you will need the DataNucleus Maven plugin. This provides 5 goals representing the different modes of DataNucleus SchemaTool. You can use the goals datanucleus:schema-create, datanucleus:schema-delete, datanucleus:schema-validate depending on whether you want to create, delete or validate the database tables. To use the DataNucleus Maven plugin you will may need to set properties for the plugin (in your pom.xml). For example

Property Default Description
api JDO API for the metadata being used (JDO, JPA). Set this to JPA
schemaName Name of the schema (mandatory when using createSchema or deleteSchema options)
persistenceUnitName Name of the persistence-unit to generate the schema for (defines the classes and the properties defining the datastore). Mandatory
log4jConfiguration Config file location for Log4J (if using it)
jdkLogConfiguration Config file location for JDK1.4 logging (if using it)
verbose false Verbose output?
fork true Whether to fork the SchemaTool process. Note that if you don't fork the process, DataNucleus will likely struggle to determine class names from the input filenames, so you need to use a persistence.xml file defining the class names directly.
ddlFile Name of an output file to dump any DDL to (for RDBMS)
completeDdl false Whether to generate DDL including things that already exist? (for RDBMS)
includeAutoStart false Whether to include auto-start mechanisms in SchemaTool usage

So to give an example, I add the following to my pom.xml


So with these properties when I run SchemaTool it uses properties from the file at the root of the Maven project. I am also specifying a log4j configuration file defining the logging for the SchemaTool process. I then can invoke any of the Maven goals

mvn datanucleus:schema-createschema        Create the Schema
mvn datanucleus:schema-deleteschema        Delete the Schema
mvn datanucleus:schema-create              Create the tables for the specified classes
mvn datanucleus:schema-delete              Delete the tables for the specified classes
mvn datanucleus:schema-deletecreate        Delete and create the tables for the specified classes
mvn datanucleus:schema-validate            Validate the tables for the specified classes
mvn datanucleus:schema-info                Output info for the Schema
mvn datanucleus:schema-dbinfo              Output info for the datastore


An Ant task is provided for using DataNucleus SchemaTool. It has classname, and accepts the following parameters

Parameter Description values
api API that we are using in our use of DataNucleus. Set this to JPA typically JDO | JPA
persistenceUnit Name of the persistence-unit that we should manage the schema for (defines the classes and the properties defining the datastore).
mode Mode of operation. create, delete, validate, dbinfo, schemainfo, createSchema, deleteSchema
schemaName Schema name to use when used in createSchema/deleteSchema modes
verbose Whether to give verbose output. true, false
ddlFile The filename where SchemaTool should output the DDL (for RDBMS).
completeDdl Whether to output complete DDL (instead of just missing tables). Only used with ddlFile true, false
includeAutoStart Whether to include any auto-start mechanism in SchemaTool usage true, false

The SchemaTool task extends the Apache Ant Java task, thus all parameters available to the Java task are also available to the SchemaTool task.

In addition to the parameters that the Ant task accepts, you will need to set up your CLASSPATH to include the classes and MetaData files, and to define the following system properties via the sysproperty parameter (not required when specifying the persistence props via the properties file, or when providing the persistence-unit)

Parameter Description Optional
datanucleus.ConnectionDriverName Name of JDBC driver class Mandatory
datanucleus.ConnectionURL URL for the database Mandatory
datanucleus.ConnectionUserName User name for the database Mandatory
datanucleus.ConnectionPassword Password for the database Mandatory
datanucleus.Mapping ORM Mapping name Optional
log4j.configuration Log4J configuration file, for SchemaTool's Log Optional

So you could define something like the following, setting up the parameters schematool.classpath, datanucleus.ConnectionDriverName, datanucleus.ConnectionURL, datanucleus.ConnectionUserName, and datanucleus.ConnectionPassword to suit your situation.

You define the jdo files to create the tables using fileset.

<taskdef name="schematool" classname="" />

<schematool failonerror="true" verbose="true" mode="create">
        <path refid="schematool.classpath"/>
    <fileset dir="${classes.dir}">
        <include name="**/*.jdo"/>
    <sysproperty key="datanucleus.ConnectionURL" value="${datanucleus.ConnectionURL}"/>
    <sysproperty key="datanucleus.ConnectionDriverName" value="${datanucleus.ConnectionDriverName}"/>
    <sysproperty key="datanucleus.ConnectionUserName" value="${datanucleus.ConnectionUserName}"/>
    <sysproperty key="datanucleus.ConnectionPassword" value="${datanucleus.ConnectionPassword}"/>

Manual Usage

If you wish to call DataNucleus SchemaTool manually, it can be called as follows

java [-cp classpath] [system_props] [modes] [options]
    where system_props (when specified) should include
        -Dlog4j.configuration=file:{} (optional)
    where modes can be
        -createSchema {schemaName} : create the specified schema (if supported)
        -deleteSchema {schemaName} : delete the specified schema (if supported)
        -create : Create the tables specified by the mapping-files/class-files
        -delete : Delete the tables specified by the mapping-files/class-files
        -deletecreate : Delete the tables specified by the mapping-files/class-files and then create them
        -validate : Validate the tables specified by the mapping-files/class-files
        -dbinfo : Detailed information about the database
        -schemainfo : Detailed information about the database schema
    where options can be
        -api : The API that is being used (default is JDO, but set this to JPA)
        -pu {persistence-unit-name} : Name of the persistence unit to manage the schema for
        -ddlFile {filename} : RDBMS - only for use with "create"/"delete" mode to dump the DDL to the specified file
        -completeDdl : RDBMS - when using "ddlFile" in "create" mode to get all DDL output and not just missing tables/constraints
        -includeAutoStart : whether to include any auto-start mechanism in SchemaTool usage
        -v : verbose output

All classes, MetaData files, "persistence.xml" files must be present in the CLASSPATH. In terms of the schema to use, you either specify the "props" file (recommended), or you specify the System properties defining the database connection, or the properties in the "persistence-unit". You should only specify one of the [modes] above. Let's make a specific example and see the output from SchemaTool. So we have the following files in our application

src/java/...                 (source files and MetaData files)
target/classes/...           (enhanced classes, and MetaData files)
lib/log4j.jar                (optional, for Log4J logging)
lib/datanucleus-rdbms.jar, lib/datanucleus-hbase.jar,  etc
lib/mysql-connector-java.jar (driver for our database)

So we want to create the schema for our persistent classes. So let's invoke DataNucleus SchemaTool to do this, from the top level of our project. In this example we're using Linux (change the CLASSPATH definition to suit for Windows)

java -cp target/classes:lib/log4j.jar:lib/datanucleus-core.jar:lib/datanucleus-{datastore}.jar:lib/mysql-connector-java.jar -create
      -api JPA -pu MyUnit

DataNucleus SchemaTool (version 4.0.0.m2) : Creation of the schema

DataNucleus SchemaTool : Classpath
>>  /home/andy/work/DataNucleus/samples/packofcards/target/classes
>>  /home/andy/work/DataNucleus/samples/packofcards/lib/log4j.jar
>>  /home/andy/work/DataNucleus/samples/packofcards/lib/datanucleus-core.jar
>>  /home/andy/work/DataNucleus/samples/packofcards/lib/datanucleus-api-jpa.jar
>>  /home/andy/work/DataNucleus/samples/packofcards/lib/datanucleus-rdbms.jar
>>  /home/andy/work/DataNucleus/samples/packofcards/lib/persistence-api.jar
>>  /home/andy/work/DataNucleus/samples/packofcards/lib/mysql-connector-java.jar

DataNucleus SchemaTool : Persistence-Unit="MyUnit"

SchemaTool completed successfully

So as you see, DataNucleus SchemaTool prints out our input, the properties used, and finally a success message. If an error occurs, then something will be printed to the screen, and more information will be written to the log.

SchemaTool API

DataNucleus SchemaTool can also be called programmatically from an application. You need to get hold of the StoreManager and cast it to SchemaAwareStoreManager. The API is shown below.


public interface SchemaAwareStoreManager
    void createSchema(String schemaName, Properties props);
    void createSchemaForClasses(Set<String> classNames, Properties props);

    void deleteSchema(String schemaName, Properties props);
    void deleteSchemaForClasses(Set<String> classNames, Properties props);

    void validateSchemaForClasses(Set<String> classNames, Properties props);

So for example to create the schema for classes mydomain.A and mydomain.B you would do something like this

EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("MyUnit");
NucleusContext nucCtx = emf.unwrap(NucleusContext.class);
List classNames = new ArrayList();
    Properties props = new Properties();
    // Set any properties for schema generation
    ((SchemaAwareStoreManager)nucCtx.getStoreManager()).createSchemaForClasses(classNames, props);
catch(Exception e)