RDBMS : Datastore Schema API

JDO/JPA are APIs for persisting and retrieving objects to/from datastores. They don't provide a way of accessing the schema of the datastore itself (if it has one). In the case of RDBMS it is useful to be able to find out what columns there are in a table, or what data types are supported for example. DataNucleus Access Platform provides an API for this.

The first thing to do is get your hands on the DataNucleus StoreManager and from that the StoreSchemaHandler. You do this as follows

import org.datanucleus.api.jdo.JDOPersistenceManagerFactory;
import org.datanucleus.store.StoreManager;
import org.datanucleus.store.schema.StoreSchemaHandler;

[assumed to have "pmf"]

StoreManager storeMgr = ((JDOPersistenceManagerFactory)pmf).getStoreManager();
StoreSchemaHandler schemaHandler = storeMgr.getSchemaHandler();

So now we have the StoreSchemaHandler what can we do with it? Well start with the javadoc for the implementation that is used for RDBMS

Datastore Types Information

So we now want to find out what JDBC/SQL types are supported for our RDBMS. This is simple.

import org.datanucleus.store.rdbms.schema.RDBMSTypesInfo;

Connection conn = (Connection)pm.getDataStoreConnection().getNativeConnection();
RDBMSTypesInfo typesInfo = schemaHandler.getSchemaData(conn, "types");

As you can see from the javadocs for RDBMSTypesInfo we can access the JDBC types information via the "children". They are keyed by the JDBC type number of the JDBC type (see java.sql.Types). So we can just iterate it

Iterator jdbcTypesIter = typesInfo.getChildren().values().iterator();
while (jdbcTypesIter.hasNext())
    JDBCTypeInfo jdbcType = (JDBCTypeInfo)jdbcTypesIter.next();

    // Each JDBCTypeInfo contains SQLTypeInfo as its children, keyed by SQL name
    Iterator sqlTypesIter = jdbcType.getChildren().values().iterator();
    while (sqlTypesIter.hasNext())
        SQLTypeInfo sqlType = (SQLTypeInfo)sqlTypesIter.next();
        ... inspect the SQL type info

Column information for a table

Here we have a table in the datastore and want to find the columns present. So we do this

import org.datanucleus.store.rdbms.schema.RDBMSTableInfo;

Connection conn = (Connection)pm.getDataStoreConnection().getNativeConnection();
RDBMSTableInfo tableInfo = schemaHandler.getSchemaData(conn, "columns", 
    new Object[] {catalogName, schemaName, tableName});

As you can see from the javadocs for RDBMSTableInfo we can access the columns information via the "children".

Iterator columnsIter = tableInfo.getChildren().iterator();
while (columnsIter.hasNext())
    RDBMSColumnInfo colInfo = (RDBMSColumnInfo)columnsIter.next();


Index information for a table

Here we have a table in the datastore and want to find the indices present. So we do this

import org.datanucleus.store.rdbms.schema.RDBMSTableInfo;

Connection conn = (Connection)pm.getDataStoreConnection().getNativeConnection();
RDBMSTableIndexInfo tableInfo = schemaHandler.getSchemaData(conn, "indices", 
    new Object[] {catalogName, schemaName, tableName});

As you can see from the javadocs for RDBMSTableIndexInfo we can access the index information via the "children".

Iterator indexIter = tableInfo.getChildren().iterator();
while (indexIter.hasNext())
    IndexInfo idxInfo = (IndexInfo)indexIter.next();


ForeignKey information for a table

Here we have a table in the datastore and want to find the FKs present. So we do this

import org.datanucleus.store.rdbms.schema.RDBMSTableInfo;

Connection conn = (Connection)pm.getDataStoreConnection().getNativeConnection();
RDBMSTableFKInfo tableInfo = schemaHandler.getSchemaData(conn, "foreign-keys", 
    new Object[] {catalogName, schemaName, tableName});

As you can see from the javadocs for RDBMSTableFKInfo we can access the foreign-key information via the "children".

Iterator fkIter = tableInfo.getChildren().iterator();
while (fkIter.hasNext())
    ForeignKeyInfo fkInfo = (ForeignKeyInfo)fkIter.next();


PrimaryKey information for a table

Here we have a table in the datastore and want to find the PK present. So we do this

import org.datanucleus.store.rdbms.schema.RDBMSTableInfo;

Connection conn = (Connection)pm.getDataStoreConnection().getNativeConnection();
RDBMSTablePKInfo tableInfo = schemaHandler.getSchemaData(conn, "primary-keys", 
    new Object[] {catalogName, schemaName, tableName});

As you can see from the javadocs for RDBMSTablePKInfo we can access the foreign-key information via the "children".

Iterator pkIter = tableInfo.getChildren().iterator();
while (pkIter.hasNext())
    PrimaryKeyInfo pkInfo = (PrimaryKeyInfo)pkIter.next();
