JDO : JDOQL Typed Queries

JDO 3.2 introduces a way of performing queries using a JDOQLTypedQuery API, that copes with refactoring of classes/fields. This API produces queries that are much more elegant and simpler than the equivalent "Criteria" API in JPA, or the Hibernate Criteria API. See this comparison of JPA Criteria and JDO Typesafe which compares a prototype of this JDOQLTypedQuery API against JPA Criteria.


To set up your environment to use this JDOQLTypedQuery API you need to enable annotation processing, place some DataNucleus jars in your build path, and specify a @PersistenceCapable annotation on your classes to be used in queries (you can still provide the remaining information in XML metadata if you wish to).

With Maven you need to have the following in your POM

            <version>(4.1.99, 4.9)</version>
            <version>(4.1.99, 4.9)</version>


With Eclipse you need to

  • Go to Java Compiler and make sure the compiler compliance level is 1.7 or above
  • Go to Java Compiler -> Annotation Processing and enable the project specific settings and enable annotation processing
  • Go to Java Compiler -> Annotation Processing -> Factory Path, enable the project specific settings and then add the following jars to the list: "datanucleus-jdo-query.jar", "datanucleus-api-jdo.jar", "jdo-api.jar"

Query Classes

The above preparation will mean that whenever you compile, the DataNucleus annotation processor (in datanucleus-jdo-query.jar) will generate a query class for each model class that is annotated as persistable. So what is a query class you ask. It is simply a mechanism for providing an intuitive API to generating queries. If we have the following model class

public class Product
    long id;
    String name;
    double value;


then the query class for this will be

public class QProduct extends org.datanucleus.api.jdo.query.PersistableExpressionImpl<Product> 
    implements PersistableExpression<Product>
    public static QProduct candidate(String name) {...}
    public static QProduct candidate() {...}
    public static QProduct variable(String name) {...}
    public static QProduct parameter(String name) {...}

    public NumericExpression<Long> id;
    public StringExpression name;
    public NumericExpression<Double> value;


Note that it has the name Q{className}. Also the generated class, by default, has a public field for each persistable field/property and is of a type XXXExpression. These expressions allow us to give Java like syntax when defining your queries (see below). So you access your persistable members in a query as candidate.name for example.

As mentioned above this is the default style of query class. However you can also create it in property style, where you access your persistable members as candidate.name() for example. The benefit of this approach is that if you have 1-1, N-1 relationship fields then it only initialises the members when called, whereas in the field case above it has to initialise all in the constructor, so at static initialisation. You enable use of property mode by adding the compiler argument -AqueryMode=PROPERTY. All examples below use field mode but just add () after the field to see the equivalent in property mode

Note that we currently only support generation of Q classes for persistable classes that are in their own source file, so no support for inline static persistable classes is available currently

Query API - Filtering and Ordering

Let's provide a sample usage of this query API. We want to construct a query for all products with a value below a certain level, and where the name starts with "Wal", and then order the results by the product name. So a typical query in a JDO-enabled application

pm = pmf.getPersistenceManager();

JDOQLTypedQuery<Product> tq = pm.newJDOQLTypedQuery(Product.class);
QProduct cand = QProduct.candidate();
List<Product> results = tq.filter(cand.value.lt(40.00).and(cand.name.startsWith("Wal"))).orderBy(cand.name.asc())

This equates to the single-string query

SELECT FROM mydomain.Product WHERE this.value < 40.0 && this.name.startsWith("Wal") ORDER BY this.name ASCENDING

As you see, we create a parametrised query, and then make use of the query class to access the candidate, and from that make use of its fields, and the various Java methods present for the types of those fields. Note that the API is fluent, meaning you can chain calls easily.

Query API - Results

Let's take the query in the above example and return the name and value of the Products only

JDOQLTypedQuery<Product> tq = pm.newJDOQLTypedQuery(Product.class);
QProduct cand = QProduct.candidate();
List<Object[]> results = tq.filter(cand.value.lt(40.00).and(cand.name.startsWith("Wal"))).orderBy(cand.name.asc())
        .result(false, cand.name, cand.value).executeResultList();

This equates to the single-string query

SELECT this.name,this.value FROM mydomain.Product WHERE this.value < 40.0 && this.name.startsWith("Wal") ORDER BY this.name ASCENDING

A further example using aggregates

JDOQLTypedQuery<Product> tq = pm.newJDOQLTypedQuery(Product.class);
Object results = 
    tq.result(false, QProduct.candidate().max(), QProduct.candidate().min()).executeResultUnique();

This equates to the single-string query

SELECT max(this.value), min(this.value) FROM mydomain.Product

Query API - Parameters

It is important to note that JDOQLTypedQuery only accepts named parameters. You obtain a named parameter from the JDOQLTypedQuery, and then use it in the specification of the filter, ordering, grouping etc. Let's take the query in the above example and specify the "Wal" in a parameter.

JDOQLTypedQuery<Product> tq = pm.newJDOQLTypedQuery(Product.class);
QProduct cand = QProduct.candidate();
List<Product> results = 
        .setParameter("prefix", "Wal").executeList();

This equates to the single-string query

SELECT FROM mydomain.Product WHERE this.value < 40.0 && this.name.startsWith(:prefix) ORDER BY this.name ASCENDING

Query API - Variables

Let's try to find all Inventory objects containing a Product with a particular name. This means we need to use a variable. Just like with a parameter, we obtain a variable from the Q class.

JDOQLTypedQuery<Inventory> tq = pm.newJDOQLTypedQuery(Inventory.class);
QProduct var = QProduct.variable("var");
QInventory cand = QInventory.candidate();
List<Inventory> results = tq.filter(cand.products.contains(var).and(var.name.startsWith("Wal"))).executeList();

This equates to the single-string query

SELECT FROM mydomain.Inventory WHERE this.products.contains(var) && var.name.startsWith("Wal")

Query API - Subqueries

Let's try to find all Products that have a value below the average of all Products. This means we need to use a subquery

JDOQLTypedQuery<Product> tq = pm.newJDOQLTypedQuery(Product.class);
QProduct cand = QProduct.candidate();
TypesafeSubquery<Product> tqsub = tq.subquery(Product.class, "p");
QProduct candsub = QProduct.candidate("p");
List<Product> results = tq.filter(cand.value.lt(tqsub.selectUnique(candsub.value.avg()))).executeList();

Note that where we want to refer to the candidate of the subquery, we specify the alias ("p") explicitly. This equates to the single-string query

SELECT FROM mydomain.Product WHERE this.value < (SELECT AVG(p.value) FROM mydomain.Product p)

Query API - Candidates

If you don't want to query instances in the datastore but instead query a collection of candidate instances, you can do this by setting the candidates, like this

JDOQLTypedQuery<Product> tq = pm.newJDOQLTypedQuery(Product.class);
QProduct cand = QProduct.candidate();
List<Product> results = tq.filter(cand.value.lt(40.00)).setCandidates(myCandidates).executeList();

This will process the query in-memory.