JDO : JPQL Queries

JDO provides a flexible API for use of query languages. DataNucleus makes use of this to allow use of the query language defined in the JPA1 specification (JPQL) with JDO persistence. JPQL is a pseudo-OO language based around SQL, and so not using Java syntax, unlike JDOQL. To provide a simple example, this is what you would do

Query q = pm.newQuery("JPQL", "SELECT p FROM Person p WHERE p.lastName = 'Jones'");
List results = (List)q.execute();

This finds all "Person" objects with surname of "Jones". You specify all details in the query.


In JPQL queries you define the query in a single string, defining the result, the candidate class(es), the filter, any grouping, and the ordering. This string has to follow the following pattern

SELECT [<result>]
    [FROM <candidate-class(es)>]
    [WHERE <filter>]
    [GROUP BY <grouping>]
    [HAVING <having>]
    [ORDER BY <ordering>]

The "keywords" in the query are shown in UPPER CASE are case-insensitive.

Entity Name

In the example shown you note that we did not specify the full class name. We used Person p and thereafter could refer to p as the alias. The Person is called the entity name and in JPA MetaData this can be defined against each class in its definition. With JDO we don't have this MetaData attribute so we simply define the entity name as the name of the class omitting the package name. So org.datanucleus.test.samples.Person will have an entity name of Person.

In strict JPA the entity name cannot be a MappedSuperclass entity name. That is, if you have an abstract superclass that is persistable, you cannot query for instances of that superclass and its subclasses. We consider this a significant shortcoming of the querying capability, and allow the entity name to also be of a MappedSuperclass. You are unlikely to find this supported in other JPA implementations, but then maybe that's why you chose DataNucleus?

From Clause

The FROM clause allows a user to add some explicit joins to related entities, and assign aliases to the joined entities. These are then usable in the filter/ordering/result etc. If you don't add any joins DataNucleus will add joins where they are implicit from the filter expression for example. The FROM clause is of the following structure

FROM {candidate_entity} {candidate_alias}
    [[[ LEFT [OUTER] | INNER ] JOIN] join_spec [join_alias] *

So you are explicitly stating that the join across join_spec is performed as "LEFT OUTER" or "INNER" (rather than just leaving it to DataNucleus to decide which to use). Note that the join_spec can be a relation field, or alternately if you have a Map of non-Entity keys/values then also the Map field. If you provide the join_alias then you can use it thereafter in other clauses of the query.

Some examples of FROM clauses.

Join across 2 relations, allowing referral to Address (a) and Owner (o)
SELECT p FROM Person p JOIN p.address a JOIN a.owner o WHERE o.name = 'Fred'

Join to a Map relation field and access to the key/value of the Map.
SELECT VALUE(om) FROM Company c INNER JOIN c.officeMap om ON KEY(om) = 'London'

Fetched Fields

By default a query will fetch fields according to their defined EAGER/LAZY setting, so fields like primitives, wrappers, Dates, and 1-1/N-1 relations will be fetched, whereas 1-N/M-N fields will not be fetched. JPQL allows you to include FETCH JOIN as a hint to include 1-N/M-N fields where possible. For RDBMS datastores any multi-valued field will not be fetched even if you specify FETCH JOIN, due to the complications in doing so. All non-RDBMS datastores do however respect this FETCH JOIN setting, since a collection/map is stored in a single "column" in the object and so is readily retrievable.

Note that you can also make use of Fetch Groups to have fuller control over what is retrieved from each query.


The most important thing to remember when defining the filter for JPQL is that think how you would write it in SQL, and its likely the same except for field names instead of column names. The filter has to be a boolean expression, and can include the candidate entity, fields/properties, literals, functions, parameters, operators and subqueries


In JPQL you refer to fields/properties in the query by referring to the field/bean name. For example, if you are querying a candidate entity called Product and it has a field "price", then you access it like this

price < 150.0

Note that, just like in Java, if you want to refer to a field/property of an entity you can prefix the field by its alias

p.price < 150.0

You can also chain field references if you have an entity Product (alias = p) with a field of (persistable) type Inventory, which has a field name, so you could do

p.inventory.name = 'Backup'


The operators are listed below in order of decreasing precedence.

  • Navigation operator (.)
  • Arithmetic operators:
    • +, - unary
    • *, / multiplication and division
    • +, - addition and subtraction
  • Comparison operators : =, >, >=, <, <=, <> (not equal), [NOT] BETWEEN, [NOT] LIKE, [NOT] IN, IS [NOT] NULL, IS [NOT] EMPTY, [NOT] MEMBER [OF], [NOT] EXISTS
  • Logical operators:
    • NOT
    • AND
    • OR


JPQL supports the following literals: IntegerLiteral, FloatingPointLiteral, BooleanLiteral, CharacterLiteral, StringLiteral, and NullLiteral. When String literals are specified using single-string format they should be surrounded by single-quotes '.

Input Parameters

In JPQL queries it is convenient to pass in parameters so we dont have to define the same query for different values. Let's take two examples

Named Parameters :
Query q = pm.newQuery("JPQL",
    "SELECT p FROM Person p WHERE p.lastName = :surname AND o.firstName = :forename");
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put("surname", theSurname);
params.put("forename", theForename");
List<Person> results = (List<Person>)q.executeWithMap(params);

Numbered Parameters :
Query q = pm.newQuery("JPQL",
    "SELECT p FROM Person p WHERE p.lastName = ?1 AND p.firstName = ?2");
List<Person> results = (List<Person>)q.execute(theSurname, theForename);

So in the first case we have parameters that are prefixed by : (colon) to identify them as a parameter and we use that name in the parameter map passed to execute(). In the second case we have parameters that are prefixed by ? (question mark) and are numbered starting at 1. We then pass the parameters in to execute in that order.

CASE expressions

For particular use in the result clause, you can make use of a CASE expression where you want to return different things based on some condition(s). Like this

Query q = em.createQuery(
    "SELECT p.personNum, CASE WHEN p.age < 18 THEN 'Youth' WHEN p.age >= 18 AND p.age < 65 THEN 'Adult' ELSE 'Old' END FROM Person p");

So in this case the second result value will be a String, either "Youth", "Adult" or "Old" depending on the age of the person. The BNF structure of the JPQL CASE expression is

CASE WHEN conditional_expression THEN scalar_expression {WHEN conditional_expression THEN scalar_expression}* ELSE scalar_expression END

JPQL Functions

JPQL provides an SQL-like query language. Just as with SQL, JPQL also supports a range of functions to enhance the querying possibilities. The tables below also mark whether a particular method is supported for evaluation in-memory.

Please note that you can easily add support for other functions for evaluation "in-memory" using this DataNucleus plugin point

Please note that you can easily add support for other functions with RDBMS datastore using this DataNucleus plugin point

Aggregate Functions

There are a series of aggregate functions for aggregating the values of a field for all rows of the results.

Function Name Description Standard In-Memory
COUNT(field) Returns the aggregate count of the field (Long)
MIN(field) Returns the minimum value of the field (type of the field)
MAX(field) Returns the maximum value of the field (type of the field)
AVG(field) Returns the average value of the field (Double)
SUM(field) Returns the sum of the field value(s) (Long, Double, BigInteger, BigDecimal)

String Functions

There are a series of functions to be applied to String fields.

Function Name Description Standard In-Memory
CONCAT(str_field, str_field2 [, str_fieldX]) Returns the concatenation of the string fields
SUBSTRING(str_field, num1 [, num2]) Returns the substring of the string field starting at position num1, and optionally with the length of num2
TRIM([trim_spec] [trim_char] [FROM] str_field) Returns trimmed form of the string field
LOWER(str_field) Returns the lower case form of the string field
UPPER(str_field) Returns the upper case form of the string field
LENGTH(str_field) Returns the size of the string field (number of characters)
LOCATE(str_field1, str_field2 [, num]) Returns position of str_field2 in str_field1 optionally starting at num

Temporal Functions

There are a series of functions for use with temporal values

Function Name Description Standard In-Memory
CURRENT_DATE Returns the current date (day month year) of the datastore server
CURRENT_TIME Returns the current time (hour minute second) of the datastore server
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Returns the current timestamp of the datastore server
YEAR(dateField) Returns the year of the specified date
MONTH(dateField) Returns the month of the specified date
DAY(dateField) Returns the day of the month of the specified date
HOUR(dateField) Returns the hour of the specified date
MINUTE(dateField) Returns the minute of the specified date
SECOND(dateField) Returns the second of the specified date

Collection Functions

There are a series of functions for use with collection values

Function Name Description Standard In-Memory
INDEX(collection_field) Returns index number of the field element when that is the element of an indexed List field.
SIZE(collection_field) Returns the size of the collection field. Empty collection will return 0

Map Functions

There are a series of functions for use with maps

Function Name Description Standard In-Memory
KEY(map_field) Returns the key of the map
VALUE(map_field) Returns the value of the map
SIZE(map_field) Returns the size of the map field. Empty map will return 0

Arithmetic Functions

There are a series of functions for arithmetic use

Function Name Description Standard In-Memory
ABS(numeric_field) Returns the absolute value of the numeric field
SQRT(numeric_field) Returns the square root of the numeric field
MOD(num_field1, num_field2) Returns the modulus of the two numeric fields (num_field1 % num_field2)
ACOS(num_field) Returns the arc-cosine of a numeric field
ASIN(num_field) Returns the arc-sine of a numeric field
ATAN(num_field) Returns the arc-tangent of a numeric field
COS(num_field) Returns the cosine of a numeric field
SIN(num_field) Returns the sine of a numeric field
TAN(num_field) Returns the tangent of a numeric field
DEGREES(num_field) Returns the degrees of a numeric field
RADIANS(num_field) Returns the radians of a numeric field
CEIL(num_field) Returns the ceiling of a numeric field
FLOOR(num_field) Returns the floor of a numeric field
LOG(num_field) Returns the natural logarithm of a numeric field
EXP(num_field) Returns the exponent of a numeric field

Other Functions

You have a further function available

Function Name Description Standard In-Memory
FUNCTION(name, [arg1 [,arg2 ...]]) Executes the specified SQL function "name" with the defined arguments

Collection Fields

Where you have a collection field, often you want to navigate it to query based on some filter for the element. To achieve this, you can clearly JOIN to the element in the FROM clause. Alternatively you can use the MEMBER OF keyword. Let's take an example, you have a field which is a Collection of Strings, and want to return the owner object that has an element that is "Freddie".

Query q = pm.newQuery("JPQL", "SELECT p.firstName, p.lastName FROM Person p WHERE 'Freddie' MEMBER OF p.nicknames");

Beyond this, you can also make use of the Collection functions and use the size of the collection for example.

Map Fields

Where you have a map field, often you want to navigate it to query based on some filter for the key or value. Let's take an example, you want to return the value for a particular key in the map of an owner.

Query q = pm.newQuery("JPQL", "SELECT VALUE(p.addresses) FROM Person p WHERE KEY(p.addresses) = 'London Flat'");

Beyond this, you can also make use of the Map functions and use the size of the map for example.

Note that in the JPA spec they allow a user to interchangeably use "p.addresses" to refer to the value of the Map. DataNucleus doesn't support that since that primary expression is a Map field, and the Map can equally be represented as a join table, key stored in value, or value stored in key. Hence you should always use VALUE(...) if you mean to refer to the Map value - besides it is a damn sight clearer the intent by doing that.

Ordering of Results

By default your results will be returned in the order determined by the datastore, so don't rely on any particular order. You can, of course, specify the order yourself. You do this using field/property names and ASC/DESC keywords. For example

field1 ASC, field2 DESC

which will sort primarily by field1 in ascending order, then secondarily by field2 in descending order.

Although it is not (yet) standard JPQL, DataNucleus also supports specifying a directive for where NULL values of the ordered field/property go in the order, so the full syntax supported is


Note that this is only supported for a few RDBMS (H2, HSQLDB, PostgreSQL, DB2, Oracle, Derby).


With JPQL the user has a very flexible query syntax which allows for querying of the vast majority of data components in a single query. In some situations it is desirable for the query to utilise the results of a separate query in its calculations. JPQL also allows the use of subqueries. Here's an example

SELECT Object(e) FROM org.datanucleus.Employee e 
WHERE e.salary > (SELECT avg(f.salary) FROM org.datanucleus.Employee f)

So we want to find all Employees that have a salary greater than the average salary. The subquery must be in parentheses (brackets). Note that we have defined the subquery with an alias of "f", whereas in the outer query the alias is "e".

ALL/ANY Expressions

One use of subqueries with JPQL is where you want to compare with some or all of a particular expression. To give an example

SELECT emp FROM Employee emp 
WHERE emp.salary > ALL (SELECT m.salary FROM Manager m WHERE m.department = emp.department)

So this returns all employees that earn more than all managers in the same department! You can also compare with some/any, like this

SELECT emp FROM Employee emp 
WHERE emp.salary > ANY (SELECT m.salary FROM Manager m WHERE m.department = emp.department)

So this returns all employees that earn more than any one Manager in the same department.

EXISTS Expressions

Another use of subqueries in JPQL is where you want to check on the existence of a particular thing. For example

WHERE EXISTS (SELECT emp2 FROM Employee emp2 WHERE emp2 = emp.spouse)

So this returns the employees that have a partner also employed.

Specify candidates to query over

With JPA you always query objects of the candidate type in the datastore. DataNucleus extends this and allows you to provide a Collection of candidate objects that will be queried (rather than going to the datastore), and it will perform the querying "in-memory". You set the candidates like this

Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT p FROM Products p WHERE ...");
List<Product> results = query.getResultList();

Range of Results

With JPQL you can select the range of results to be returned. For example if you have a web page and you are paginating the results of some search, you may want to get the results from a query in blocks of 20 say, with results 0 to 19 on the first page, then 20 to 39, etc. You can facilitate this as follows

Query q = pm.newQuery("JPQL", "SELECT p FROM Person p WHERE p.age > 20");
q.setRange(0, 20);

So with this query we get results 0 to 19 inclusive.

Unique Results

When you know that there will be only a single result, you can set the query as unique. This simplifies the process of getting the result

Query query = pm.newQuery("JPQL", 
    "SELECT p FROM Person p WHERE p.lastName = 'Obama' AND o.firstName = 'Barak'");
Person pers = (Person) query.execute();

Result Class

If you are defining the result of the JPQL query and want to obtain each row of the results as an object of a particular type, then you can set the result class.

Query query = pm.newQuery("JPQL", "SELECT p.firstName, p.lastName FROM Person p");
List<Name> names = (List<Name>) query.execute();

The Result Class has to meet certain requirements. These are

  • Can be one of Integer, Long, Short, Float, Double, Character, Byte, Boolean, String, java.math.BigInteger, java.math.BigDecimal, java.util.Date, java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time, java.sql.Timestamp, or Object[]
  • Can be a user defined class, that has either a constructor taking arguments of the same type as those returned by the query (in the same order), or has a public put(Object, Object) method, or public setXXX() methods, or public fields.

So in our example, we are returning 2 String fields, and we define our Result Class Name as follows

public class Name
    protected String firstName = null;
    protected String lastName = null;

    public Name(String first, String last)
        this.firstName = first;
        this.lastName = last;


So here we have a result class using the constructor arguments. We could equally have provided a class with public fields instead, or provided setXXX methods or a put method. They all work in the same way.

Query Result

Whilst the majority of the time you will want to return instances of a candidate class, JPQL also allows you to return customised results. Consider the following example

Query q = pm.newQuery("JPQL", "SELECT p.firstName, p.lastName FROM Person p WHERE p.age > 20");
List<Object[]> results = (List<Object[]>)q.execute();

this returns the first and last name for each Person meeting that filter. Obviously we may have some container class that we would like the results returned in, so if we change the query to this

Query<PersonName> q = pm.newQuery("JPQL",
    "SELECT p.firstName, p.lastName FROM Person p WHERE p.age > 20");
List<PersonName> results = (List<PersonName>)q.execute();

so each result is a PersonName, holding the first and last name. This result class needs to match one of the following structures

  • Constructor taking arguments of the same types and the same order as the result clause. An instance of the result class is created using this constructor. For example
    public class PersonName
        protected String firstName = null;
        protected String lastName = null;
        public PersonName(String first, String last)
            this.firstName = first;
            this.lastName = last;
  • Default constructor, and setters for the different result columns, using the alias name for each column as the property name of the setter. For example
    public class PersonName
        protected String firstName = null;
        protected String lastName = null;
        public PersonName()
        public void setFirstName(String first) {this.firstName = first;}
        public void setLastName(String last) {this.lastName = last;}

Note that if the setter property name doesn't match the query result component name, you should use AS {alias} in the query so they are the same.

JPQL Strictness

By default DataNucleus allows some extensions in syntax over strict JPQL (as defined by the JPA spec). To allow only strict JPQL you can do as follows

Query query = pm.newQuery(...);
query.addExtension("datanucleus.jpql.strict", "true");

JPQL In-Memory queries

The typical use of a JPQL query is to translate it into the native query language of the datastore and return objects matched by the query. For many datastores it is simply impossible to support the full JPQL syntax in the datastore native query language and so it is necessary to evaluate the query in-memory. This means that we evaluate as much as we can in the datastore and then instantiate those objects and evaluate further in-memory. Here we document the current capabilities of in-memory evaluation in DataNucleus.

  • Subqueries using ALL, ANY, SOME, EXISTS are not currently supported
  • MEMBER OF syntax is not currently supported.

To enable evaluation in memory you specify the query hint datanucleus.query.evaluateInMemory to true as follows



The JPA specification defines a mode of JPQL for deleting objects from the datastore.


The syntax for deleting records is very similar to selecting them

DELETE FROM [<candidate-class>]
    [WHERE <filter>]

The "keywords" in the query are shown in UPPER CASE are case-insensitive.

Query query = pm.newQuery("JPQL", "DELETE FROM Person p WHERE firstName = 'Fred'");
Long numRowsDeleted = (Long)query.execute();


The JPA specification defines a mode of JPQL for updating objects in the datastore.


The syntax for updating records is very similar to selecting them

UPDATE [<candidate-class>] SET item1=value1, item2=value2
    [WHERE <filter>]

The "keywords" in the query are shown in UPPER CASE are case-insensitive.

Query query = pm.newQuery("JPQL", "UPDATE Person p SET p.salary = 10000 WHERE age = 18");
Long numRowsUpdated = (LOng)query.execute();

JPQL BNF Notation

The BNF defining the JPQL query language is shown below.

QL_statement ::= select_statement | update_statement | delete_statement
select_statement ::= select_clause from_clause [where_clause] [groupby_clause] [having_clause] [orderby_clause]

update_statement ::= update_clause [where_clause]

delete_statement ::= delete_clause [where_clause]

from_clause ::= FROM identification_variable_declaration
    {, {identification_variable_declaration | collection_member_declaration}}*
identification_variable_declaration ::= range_variable_declaration { join | fetch_join }*
range_variable_declaration ::= entity_name [AS] identification_variable

join ::= join_spec join_association_path_expression [AS] identification_variable
fetch_join ::= join_spec FETCH join_association_path_expression
join_spec::= [ LEFT [OUTER] | INNER ] JOIN
join_association_path_expression ::= join_collection_valued_path_expression | join_single_valued_path_expression
collection_member_declaration ::=
    IN (collection_valued_path_expression) [AS] identification_variable
qualified_identification_variable ::= KEY(identification_variable) | VALUE(identification_variable) |
single_valued_path_expression ::= qualified_identification_variable |
    state_field_path_expression | single_valued_object_path_expression
general_identification_variable ::= identification_variable | KEY(identification_variable) | 

state_field_path_expression ::= general_identification_variable.{single_valued_object_field.}*state_field
single_valued_object_path_expression ::=
    general_identification_variable.{single_valued_object_field.}* single_valued_object_field
collection_valued_path_expression ::=

update_clause ::= UPDATE entity_name [[AS] identification_variable] SET update_item {, update_item}*
update_item ::= [identification_variable.]{state_field | single_valued_object_field} = new_value
new_value ::= scalar_expression | simple_entity_expression | NULL

delete_clause ::= DELETE FROM entity_name [[AS] identification_variable]

select_clause ::= SELECT [DISTINCT] select_item {, select_item}*
select_item ::= select_expression [[AS] result_variable]
select_expression ::= single_valued_path_expression | scalar_expression | aggregate_expression | 
    identification_variable | OBJECT(identification_variable) | constructor_expression
constructor_expression ::= NEW constructor_name ( constructor_item {, constructor_item}* )
constructor_item ::= single_valued_path_expression | scalar_expression | aggregate_expression |

aggregate_expression ::= { AVG | MAX | MIN | SUM } ([DISTINCT] state_field_path_expression) |
    COUNT ([DISTINCT] identification_variable | state_field_path_expression |

where_clause ::= WHERE conditional_expression
groupby_clause ::= GROUP BY groupby_item {, groupby_item}*
groupby_item ::= single_valued_path_expression | identification_variable
having_clause ::= HAVING conditional_expression
orderby_clause ::= ORDER BY orderby_item {, orderby_item}*
orderby_item ::= state_field_path_expression | result_variable [ ASC | DESC ]

subquery ::= simple_select_clause subquery_from_clause [where_clause] [groupby_clause] [having_clause]
subquery_from_clause ::= FROM subselect_identification_variable_declaration
    {, subselect_identification_variable_declaration | collection_member_declaration}*

subselect_identification_variable_declaration ::= identification_variable_declaration |
    derived_path_expression [AS] identification_variable {join}*|
derived_path_expression ::=
    superquery_identification_variable.{single_valued_object_field.}*collection_valued_field |
derived_collection_member_declaration ::=
    IN superquery_identification_variable.{single_valued_object_field.}*collection_valued_field
simple_select_clause ::= SELECT [DISTINCT] simple_select_expression
simple_select_expression::= single_valued_path_expression | scalar_expression | aggregate_expression |
scalar_expression ::= simple_arithmetic_expression | string_primary | enum_primary |
    datetime_primary | boolean_primary | case_expression | entity_type_expression
conditional_expression ::= conditional_term | conditional_expression OR conditional_term
conditional_term ::= conditional_factor | conditional_term AND conditional_factor
conditional_factor ::= [ NOT ] conditional_primary
conditional_primary ::= simple_cond_expression | (conditional_expression)
simple_cond_expression ::= comparison_expression | between_expression |
    in_expression | like_expression | null_comparison_expression | 
    empty_collection_comparison_expression | collection_member_expression | exists_expression
between_expression ::= 
    arithmetic_expression [NOT] BETWEEN arithmetic_expression AND arithmetic_expression |
    string_expression [NOT] BETWEEN string_expression AND string_expression |
    datetime_expression [NOT] BETWEEN datetime_expression AND datetime_expression
in_expression ::= {state_field_path_expression | type_discriminator} [NOT] IN
    { ( in_item {, in_item}* ) | (subquery) | collection_valued_input_parameter }
in_item ::= literal | single_valued_input_parameter
like_expression ::= string_expression [NOT] LIKE pattern_value [ESCAPE escape_character]
null_comparison_expression ::= {single_valued_path_expression | input_parameter} IS [NOT] NULL

empty_collection_comparison_expression ::= collection_valued_path_expression IS [NOT] EMPTY
collection_member_expression ::= entity_or_value_expression [NOT] MEMBER [OF] collection_valued_path_expression
entity_or_value_expression ::= single_valued_object_path_expression | state_field_path_expression |
simple_entity_or_value_expression ::= identification_variable | input_parameter | literal
exists_expression::= [NOT] EXISTS (subquery)
all_or_any_expression ::= { ALL | ANY | SOME} (subquery)
comparison_expression ::=
    string_expression comparison_operator {string_expression | all_or_any_expression} |
    boolean_expression { =|<>} {boolean_expression | all_or_any_expression} |
    enum_expression { =|<>} {enum_expression | all_or_any_expression} |
    datetime_expression comparison_operator
    {datetime_expression | all_or_any_expression} |
    entity_expression { = | <>} {entity_expression | all_or_any_expression} |
    arithmetic_expression comparison_operator
    {arithmetic_expression | all_or_any_expression} |
    entity_type_expression { =|<>} entity_type_expression}
comparison_operator ::= = | > | >= | < | <= | <>
arithmetic_expression ::= simple_arithmetic_expression | (subquery)
simple_arithmetic_expression ::= arithmetic_term | simple_arithmetic_expression { + | - } arithmetic_term
arithmetic_term ::= arithmetic_factor | arithmetic_term { * | / } arithmetic_factor
arithmetic_factor ::= [{ + | - }] arithmetic_primary
arithmetic_primary ::= state_field_path_expression | numeric_literal |
    (simple_arithmetic_expression) | input_parameter | functions_returning_numerics |
     aggregate_expression | case_expression
string_expression ::= string_primary | (subquery)
string_primary ::= state_field_path_expression | string_literal |
    input_parameter | functions_returning_strings | aggregate_expression | case_expression
datetime_expression ::= datetime_primary | (subquery)

datetime_primary ::= state_field_path_expression | input_parameter | functions_returning_datetime |
    aggregate_expression | case_expression | date_time_timestamp_literal
boolean_expression ::= boolean_primary | (subquery)
boolean_primary ::= state_field_path_expression | boolean_literal | input_parameter |
enum_expression ::= enum_primary | (subquery)
enum_primary ::= state_field_path_expression | enum_literal | input_parameter | case_expression
entity_expression ::= single_valued_object_path_expression | simple_entity_expression
simple_entity_expression ::= identification_variable | input_parameter
entity_type_expression ::= type_discriminator | entity_type_literal | input_parameter
type_discriminator ::= TYPE(identification_variable | single_valued_object_path_expression |
functions_returning_numerics::= LENGTH(string_primary) |
    LOCATE(string_primary, string_primary[, simple_arithmetic_expression]) |
    ABS(simple_arithmetic_expression) |
    SQRT(simple_arithmetic_expression) |
    MOD(simple_arithmetic_expression, simple_arithmetic_expression) |
    SIZE(collection_valued_path_expression) |
functions_returning_datetime ::= CURRENT_DATE | CURRENT_TIME | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

functions_returning_strings ::=
    CONCAT(string_primary, string_primary {, string_primary}*) |
    SUBSTRING(string_primary, simple_arithmetic_expression [, simple_arithmetic_expression]) |
    TRIM([[trim_specification] [trim_character] FROM] string_primary) |
    LOWER(string_primary) |
trim_specification ::= LEADING | TRAILING | BOTH
case_expression ::= general_case_expression | simple_case_expression | coalesce_expression |
general_case_expression::= CASE when_clause {when_clause}* ELSE scalar_expression END
when_clause::= WHEN conditional_expression THEN scalar_expression
    CASE case_operand simple_when_clause {simple_when_clause}*
    ELSE scalar_expression
case_operand::= state_field_path_expression | type_discriminator
simple_when_clause::= WHEN scalar_expression THEN scalar_expression
coalesce_expression::= COALESCE(scalar_expression {, scalar_expression}+)
nullif_expression::= NULLIF(scalar_expression, scalar_expression)