Extensions : Datastore Identity


DataNucleus is developed as a plugin-driven framework and one of the components that is pluggable is the class used to represent datastore-identity (for JDO). DataNucleus provides a default implementation for use and this generates identifiers (returned by JDOHelper.getObjectId(obj)) of the form 3286[OID]mydomain.MyClass. Having this component configurable means that you can override the output of the toString() to be more suitable for any use of these identities. Please be aware that the JDO2 specification (5.4.3) has strict rules for datastore identity classes.

DataNucleus allows identities to be either datastore or application identity. When using datastore identity it needs to have a class to represent an identity. DataNucleus provides its own default datastore identity class. You can extend DataNucleuss capabilities using the plugin extension org.datanucleus.store_datastoreidentity.

Plugin extension-point Key Description Location
org.datanucleus.store_datastoreidentity datanucleus Datastore Identity used by DataNucleus since DataNucleus 1.0 ("1[OID]org.datanucleus.myClass") datanucleus-core
org.datanucleus.store_datastoreidentity kodo Datastore Identity in the style of OpenJPA/Kodo ("org.datanucleus.myClass-1") datanucleus-core
org.datanucleus.store_datastoreidentity xcalia Datastore Identity in the style of Xcalia ("org.datanucleus.myClass:1"). This ignores Xcalias support for class aliases datanucleus-core

The following sections describe how to create your own datastore identity plugin for DataNucleus.


Any datastore identity plugin will need to implement org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreId Javadoc So you need to implement the following interface

import org.datanucleus.identity;

public interface DatastoreId
     * Provides the datastore id in a form that can be used by the database as a key.
     * @return The key value
    public Object getKeyAsObject();

     * Accessor for the PC class name 
     * @return the PC Class
    public String getTargetClassName();

     * Equality operator.
     * @param obj Object to compare against
     * @return Whether they are equal
    public abstract boolean equals(Object obj);

     * Accessor for the hashcode
     * @return Hashcode for this object
    public abstract int hashCode();

     * Returns the string representation of the datastore id.
     * The string representation should contain enough information to be usable as input to a String constructor
     * to create the datastore id.
     * @return the string representation of the datastore id.
    public abstract String toString();


DataNucleus provides an abstract base class org.datanucleus.identity.DatastoreIdImpl as a guideline. The DataNucleus internal implementation is defined as

package org.datanucleus.identity;

public class DatastoreIdImpl implements java.io.Serializable, DatastoreId
    /** Separator to use between fields. */
    private transient static final String STRING_DELIMITER = "[OID]";

    // JDO spec 5.4.3 - serializable fields required to be public.

    public final Object keyAsObject;
    public final String targetClassName;

    /** pre-created toString to improve performance **/ 
    public final String toString;

    /** pre-created hasCode to improve performance **/ 
    public final int hashCode;

    public DatastoreIdImpl()
        keyAsObject = null;
        targetClassName = null; 
        toString = null;
        hashCode = -1;

    public DatastoreIdImpl(String pcClass, Object object)
        this.targetClassName = pcClass;
        this.keyAsObject = object;

        StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
        toString = s.toString();
        hashCode = toString.hashCode();        

     * Constructs an identity from its string representation that is consistent with the output of toString().
     * @param str the string representation of a datastore id
     * @exception IllegalArgumentException if the given string representation is not valid.
     * @see #toString
    public DatastoreIdImpl(String str)
    throws IllegalArgumentException
        if (str.length() < 2)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(Localiser.msg("038000", str));
        else if (str.indexOf(STRING_DELIMITER) < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(Localiser.msg("038000", str));

        int start = 0;
        int end = str.indexOf(STRING_DELIMITER, start);
        String oidStr = str.substring(start, end);
        Object oidValue = null;
            // Use Long if possible, else String
            oidValue = Long.valueOf(oidStr);
        catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
            oidValue = oidStr;
        keyAsObject = oidValue;

        start = end + STRING_DELIMITER.length();
        this.targetClassName = str.substring(start, str.length());

        toString = str;
        hashCode = toString.hashCode();

    public Object getKeyAsObject()
        return keyAsObject;

    public String getTargetClassName()
        return targetClassName;

    public boolean equals(Object obj)
        if (obj == null)
            return false;
        if (obj == this)
            return true;
        if (!(obj.getClass().getName().equals(ClassNameConstants.IDENTITY_OID_IMPL)))
            return false;
        if (hashCode() != obj.hashCode())
            return false;
        if (!((DatastoreId)obj).toString().equals(toString))
            // Hashcodes are the same but the values aren't
            return false;
        return true;

    public int compareTo(Object o)
        if (o instanceof DatastoreIdImpl)
            DatastoreIdImpl c = (DatastoreIdImpl)o;
            return this.toString.compareTo(c.toString);
        else if (o == null)
            throw new ClassCastException("object is null");
        throw new ClassCastException(this.getClass().getName() + " != " + o.getClass().getName());

    public int hashCode()
        return hashCode;

     * Creates a String representation of the datastore identity, formed from the target class name and the key value. This will be something like
     * <pre>3254[OID]mydomain.MyClass</pre>
     * @return The String form of the identity
    public String toString()
        return toString;

As show you need 3 constructors. One is the default constructor. One takes a String (which is the output of the toString() method). The other takes the PC class name and the key value.

Plugin Specification

So once we have our custom datastore identity we just need to make this into a DataNucleus plugin. To do this you simply add a file plugin.xml to your JAR at the root. The file plugin.xml should look like this

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<plugin id="mydomain" name="DataNucleus plug-ins" provider-name="My Company">
    <extension point="org.datanucleus.store_datastoreidentity">
        <datastoreidentity name="myoid" class-name="mydomain.MyOIDImpl" unique="true"/>

Note that you also require a MANIFEST.MF file as per the Extensions Guide.

The name myoid should be specified when you create the PersistenceManagerFactory using the persistence property name org.datanucleus.datastoreIdentityType. Thats all. You now have a DataNucleus datastore identity plugin.